Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Paper bag Anyone?

Ok if I thought yesterday was bad when I posted I should have waited till later so it could get worse...LOL! i think I needed a paper bag to breath in most of the day!! I do have all the laundry done and pretty much packed so we can leave bright and early tomorrow am!! Thank goodness I am getting a vacation right now is all I got to say!! So onto other things. I ended deciding to reschedule Jordon's appt because of daycare and I am not taking all 4 of my kids with me to the doctor's office!! Well that pushes his appt to October 10th, is that not crazy! Bad move on my part!! If he hadn't done so well this year I'd really be in a pickle but I think we'll be ok!!

Now onto the worst part of my problem's! One of my daycare mom's quit her job yesterday and is not sure what she is gonna do as far as working or just staying home. I reminded her that the contract says I get 2 weeks or we will have problem's. I don't really want to take anyone to court but I will!! Another one of my mom's called me over the weekend to tell me of some issues that came up with one of her kid's and that she will need CONSTANT supervision and can not be left alone with ANY children and she was worried that I can't do that because I have alot of kid's around here! Well first off I think I can and second off I am willing to try and help out. So my guess is that they will be quitting too!! I am so glad I decided to do this right this time and have them all sign a contract because at least I know I will get 2 weeks out of each of them if this happens. I hate to be so harsh but this is my job and for peets sake we are buying a house. This really couldn't have been a worse time because going back to work when my kid's are on summer break means daycare for me which most of you know would be not worth it!! I do have one job I would like to check on that would be perfect but we'll see. I have thought that I could hire my step mom's niece for the summer and then switch to daycare when school starts. This way the summer wouldn't break me!! I will be checking on this job probably while I am gone so we'll see and will keep you posted. The nice thing about daycare next year is it will be mostly just Janaya part time as I will have 3 in school full time...isn't that crazy! So now you know what kind of day I had and if you know me I over worry and take it up a notch so I make myself more stressed but that way I get things done and in order!

Well I probably won't post again unless something major comes up as we leave tomorrow! Have a good weekend all and I will blog at you when I get home!!


Lori said...

That is too bad about all your daycare kids/parents.
It is frustration when that happens. That same thing has happened to me before too. I don't have a full time daycare, but I do daycare for others.
You kinda count on that money coming in.

I have 4 extras here today. Unfortunately, most of the summer I will have none.

Jamie said...

You really need a vacation! Have a great time!!

I tell you when it rains it pours!! Thins will work out and I hope things get less stressful for you!! :)

Tracy said...

Have a great time away from all the worries of things. I know it's hard. I had 3 parents change hours when I came back to work after surgery. It was horrible but now I look ahead to the fall and I am going to have a lot of kids and probably wish for slow days! Hang in there!