Monday, April 30, 2007


I tried to take some decent picture's of my tatoo's and this is what I got! The one with the 3 J's is on the left calf and the other is on my right calf. I love angel's and obviously my kid's are my angel's so that is the reasoning for them!

On another note I talked to the bank today and we have been APPROVED!!!! I have been waiting to hear this for along time and so needless to say I am having a GREAT day. Now for the house!!

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Saturday I went to Sioux Fall's with my sister and her 2 boy's as she had some shopping to do and wanted the company. We left here at 9:30a...and finally got home at 5P...LONG DAY!! We went to the mall which was nice for me as I never get to go there. I walked all around for 2 hours and didn't buy a thing other than lunch...something has got to be wrong with me...LOL! We met up with our sister Courtney at the mall and then headed to Walmart. I had done my shopping Friday so I only picked up a new purse and some Glosser for Julia's hair. For some reason they have it in the SF Walmart but not BRK kindof frustrating when I go to BRK! We then headed to Courtney's so I could see the kid's!! A long story made short she told me of this friend of there's who does really cheap tatoo's...he is just starting out and I am sure he will learn soon and raise his price but for now I can't complain. I have an angel with J,J, & J on it for the first 3 kid's....I have been meaning to get another one for Janaya and she is 3 now! So I decided yesterday to check it out and for the way he drew it and the price I had to go for it. I am such a baby when it come's to pain so that part I exagerate on but I got it and I love it...I am gonna go back sometime soon and get some color done I think but other than that it's cool. I will have to try sometime to post a pic of them both! I then headed home and brought my niece who is 2 with me for the night. I don't see them enough and her and Janaya play well together. She was totally thrilled with "EIEI" this time too so that is good they are only 2 months apart.

Sunday I had to take Natalye to see Papa and Grandma for a bit then headed back to SF to return her. I love having my niece and nephew's when I can. After I got back we all headed to the lake for some family fun. The water is still WAY TO COLD but they played in the sand, threw rock's and waded their toes and it was fun. In a bit I think we will have supper and wind down for the Monday morning...I might have to talk Brit into a evening walk but other than that I am relaxing now. Hope you all had a good one too!!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Not So Much A Little Girl Anymore?

Today all my daycare kid's were gone by 2:30 so a friend of mine and I headed to Brooking's with Julia and a friend of hers. The plan was to do the grocery shopping without so much hassle of the whole family! Well after a quick bite to eat at the BK we headed in for some serious shopping. Jodi decided right away to look at swimming suit's so I decided to look too as I really needed one. Julia and her friend were giggling and making sure we knew which one's were "cool" the entire time. Did I mention that every time they picked one out for us it was like a size 4/5....maybe when I was 10! They were very young teenish and it was weird. Then pretty much the whole rest of the time we were in there they were chatty, looking at every piece of clothing, giggling and messing around! I think my little Julia is growing up and it is cool and scary all at the same time. I am hoping that I am ready to handle some teenage year's. I just pray she is easier on me then I was to my! She is such a delightful child and just all around beautiful!

Britton bowled in the Master's of the Lane's tonight so I watched him for a bit when I got home. Tomorrow night is the Bowling Banquet I hope that is fun. I am gonna run to Sioux Fall's with my sister and we are hoping for some time outdoors too! I didn't hear from the bank today so I hope that is good news??!! Have a good weekend!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

House Update

I talked to the lady at the bank yesterday and our loan is in the processor's hand's as of now. She had a few question's as to how much we were wanting to spend on a house and what we were looking at house payment wise. Thing's are looking good so far so that is a relief for me. I then called the realtor and set up and appointment to look at the 2 houses we are interested the most in. We will be looking at them Monday night at 7p. I hope that at least one of them is what I want. Neither Brit or I have ever really done this before or been serious about it so I have asked my Dad and Step dad to come along to make sure all the question's that should be asked are and everything that should be looked at is...don't want to leave any stone unturned!

Yesterday was a quiet day for daycare so I just kind of relaxed did a ton of laundry and cleaning. I even found time to get the kid's summer clothes and winter clothes switched out. That is always such a chore and very time consuming. We are planning another trip to Fargo this weekend as Brit's sister Nikki is graduating from Concordia. Congrats Nikki!! I guess that is all for now!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Awhile ago I read a blog on Tracy's site about the TV shows she watches and got to thinking about it! So I thought I would share some of what I like to watch as well.
Daytime: I "get" to watch lot's of Nick Jr. M-F and have actually come to enjoy some of it..HEHEHE!!
On a more serious note I "have" to watch Day's of Our Live's and Passion's especially on Friday. They may be a little crazy but I really like's almost like they are real to me! (lol) I also like Maury and am really starting to like Dr. Keith Ablow too! I don't always get to see them but try to see as much as I can.
I don't really watch much TV in the late afternoon till about evening. If I am not playing my poker I like Deal or No Deal, Deadliest Catch, and Wheel of Fortune. There are show's on MTV and VH1 that I like such as The Inferno, Real World, Exposed, Parental Control, Charm School, I did watch Flavor of Love and I love New York too!! I don't watch much TV other than that. On the weekend's sometime's we rent movie's and I might watch one most of the time I play poker while doing that even.

I am sure I have referenced "poker" alot lately. Just to input on that I started playing poker on Brit's PS2 and then learned of it being online from TV (World Series of Poker I like to watch that too). So I checked it out and was hooked. I have been playing it online for about a year. I have met some really nice people to play with and some not so nice as well. I have met people from Brooking's, Sioux Falls, and people from far away as well. There are people from all over the world that play on this site and if you really enjoy poker as I do it's lot's of fun too. It is playmoney so it's not like I am losing my own real money....that would be a whole new set of! If anyone like's to play poker or is interested go to and you can download!

Small World

It's such a small world if you really think about it sometime's. Last night while I was playing poker ( I noticed someone come on and it said they were from Mobridge. I then asked the person if they were from Mobridge SD and they said yes. That is where I was born and lived there till about 91 or so...I started 5th grade in Madison. He said yes he was and I told him I was born there and still had family there. He asked me their last name's and I told him. He said 2 people he knew and that he knew all of them. I laughed and said those are 2 of my first cousin's and that our mom's were sister's. He then asked me if I knew Quinten Schlomer and I said yes. You see that is a boy I lived kiddy corner from when I lived in Mobridge, and we went to school together. (my mom also told me today that I had a crush on him, but I don't remember too much). Anyway he said that was him....I asked if he remembered a Barb Maas and he did so I informed him that he was talking to me!! We were both shocked and amazed. I don't even remember the last time I saw him to be honest!! It just goes to show how small the world is to me!! And it was a nice shocker. I got his e-mail and hope to keep in touch! Stranger thing's have happened....isn't it cool though!?

Monday, April 23, 2007

Busy But Fun!!

Well another busy weekend has come and gone just like that!! This weekend started with some family time Friday night and my brother arrived with his wife and stepson for the weekend. Sat Julia had to go to Brooking's to bowl State and she did awesome....her average is a 64 and she bowled a 102, 104 and a 49!!!! GREAT JOB JULIA! They got back right at 4p and we had to hurry to the Community Center for Zach's b-day which was till 7P...the kid's enjoyed pizza, present's and swimming!! We then ventured to Grandma and Papa Hoeke's house for the icecream cake and were there till just about 10P. I love family get together's and we alway's seem to lose track of time!! Sunday morning Julia had to bowl her Dbl's and Single's for State (Brooking's again) at 10:30 so off we were again. This time my Dad and his wife joined us so they drove. She again bowled awesome despite the naughty behavior of her partner!! She had to bowl 6 games in a row and she bowled a 104, 93&50 and her next set of 3 were 72, 87, and a 94!! I think she will place pretty well bowling so much over her average! We got some lunch and headed home. When I got home I got to visit with my brother a bit more and worked a bit on the laundry that Brit was doing for me!!! THANK YOU HONEY!! My brother left about 5p and then I fed my family and at 630 headed off to my last night of mixed bowling with my dad! Needless to say when I got home at 9:00 I was ready for bed! And bless Brit's heart he had all the laundry done!!! I wish the weekend had a relaxing day but here we go again with another week! Next weekend is starting to look just as busy so I don't know how that will go! Hope you all had a great weekend!!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Lost a tooth?

Jackson is 5 year's old and will be 6 in Sept. Usually kid's don't start losing there teeth till 6 or 7! Well last week him and Janaya were playing rough and she threw a toy boat at him and hit him in the mouth, knocking his bottom middle tooth loose! On Monday night he lost that tooth and when I was looking at it I noticed that the 2nd middle tooth was loose also and told him to just leave it and hopefull it would tighten up. (it was real loose though) Well needless to say Thursday he wiggled it and it came right out!! So now he has both middle bottom teeth gone and a nice gap. Hopefully the permenant one's don't take too long to come in. He on the other hand couldn't have been more excited as the Tooth Fairy had to come and that mean's cash in his! I guess the good thing is he is close to that age anyway and he doesn't have to wait year's for it to come in. I just can't imagine how that little boat couldv'e done such damage. You would also think that they wouldn't play so darn rough either. There doesn't appear to be anymore that are loose so that is good too!

Today we enjoyed alot of time outside playing ball and swinging. We went to the park for supper and the kids loved it. We then stopped at Grandma's to show her the "gap" in Jackson's mouth and played there for awhile. After that we headed to the carwash to vacum and wash the van. My brother and his wife arrived for the weekend tonight also. We are celebrating her son's b-day tomorrow at the Community center. Julia has state bowling tournament's this weekend in Brooking's on Sat and Sun. I am bowling with my dad on Sunday for the last time of league this year. So I believe it is gonna be a busy weekend here in the Boedecker household!! Hope everyone has a good weekend and enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather!!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

We Did IT!!

Last night was our roll-off for the second half of the bowling season and we finally beat the Gopher Girl's...YES!! This has been a battle between our 2 team's for a few year's now and last night we got em!! I was so excited we had quite the crowd to cheer us on and it was great!! I drank in moderation the whole time and was feeling alright, well when we won a girl from our team bought us all a shot of Tequilla...I have never in my life taken a shot of that and swore I never would. I am not much of a drinker as I only need one to do the job, but in the spirit of the team I thought I would try it...I made it and didn't even get sick!! (almost though) I can say that it is just as nasty as I thought and don't intend to ever do it again. Needless to say I was drunk and up way to late so 5:30am came way to early!! But it was a good time and I am so proud of my team...GO Strang Trucking!!!

Not much else has gone on the last few day's around here just been enjoying our time outside!! I called the bank the other day about starting the home mortgage process and they are gonna mail me the application and after we fill it out we will go meet with them. I am so excited to be finally starting this process and hope it all goes smoothly and we can hopefully be moving by this summer sometime...cross your finger's!! Hope everyone is having a good week....

Monday, April 16, 2007


WOW! What a great weekend with nice weather and some fun relaxing family time!! Yesterday we gathered with my firend Jill and her little girl and headed out to a friend from Brit's work for some sinshine and grilling out! he lives out in hte country so it was just peaceful and the kid's could just plain RUN!!!! He started a little bon-fire and let them help gather the stick's up and they roasted some marshmellows after supper!! The kid's were so dirty and it was GREAT!! LOL! I am trying this game of match-maker and hoping to blossom a "friendship" between the 2 of them and so far so good...HEHEHE!! We got home in the late evening and the kid's were in bed and sleeping before 8:30 if that doesn't say how tuckered they were, but oh did they have fun!

I have been waiting for some spring weather and needing to be outside as I get the feeling of being cooped up so bad, worse then the kid's I think. LOL. I hope it is here to stay now and we can enjoy much more of it!!

Not much else went on this weekend. Today has been a good day with daycare and I honestly think this is the best Monday I have had in a long time!! Hope everyone else is having a "Happy Monday" as well!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Bowling Change

Apparently a few of the women from the other bowling team called our team captain and appologized for the behavior of there team about when to do the roll-off for the year. They ended up changing the day to next wednesday the 18th I believe at 7P!! It was a good move for them to appologize and hopefully this will make it a more enjoyable event!! I still hope we win...HEHE!

The rest of the week went well and I think the new change in daycare is gonna go ok!! It really has been nice having my 2 kid's ride to and from school with the neighbor girl! Yesterday we ventured to Brooking's for groceries and holy buckets is that bill getting outreagous!! The kid's were pretty good and it was a nice time all in all. Julia is done with bowling so it is weird to have my Saturday to do what ever. I do have my cleaning job to do tonight but other than that it's whatever we decided to do....kindof relaxing!! Hope you all have a good weekend!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Last night was our postion round in bowling to see who bowls the roll-of with the winner's from the first half. When we went into last night we knew we had to get at least all 3 games to win. We have a 7 point system which is 2 points per game and 1 point for total. We ended up taking all 7 points so we WON...YAY!! We all bowled really well last night as a whole and it was great. There was some heated discussion between some member's of both team's who are bowling the roll-of but in the end it was set for April 25, 6P!! If we win that we are the 2nd half winner's!!
I was really excited as this is my first full year with my team and I have worked really hard to learn my new ball and way of throwing it!! My average has come up and I am getting more consistant!! So keep your finger's crossed that we win!!! And hey it give's me another night of bolwing....YIIPPEE!!!

Jordon's IEP

I had Jordon's annual IEP yesterday, for those of you who may not know what that is it's Interdiciplinary Education Plan (for special need's). They all had good thing's to say this year as Jordon has made GREAT gain's in all area's. The team consist's of his parent's,the principle, his Special Ed teacher, classroom teacher, Occupational thereapist, Speech therapist and Cousnelor. We made some new goals for the next year and added the few he hasn't completed for this year. Jordon has made goal's this year that his Developmental Pediatrician never thought he would do so this is very exciting for him and all of us!! Hopefully he will continue to grow accademically and that next year will be just as good if not better. He will progress to 2nd grade, every year they will advance him to keep him with his same group of "peer's" he just has a modafied curriculum. I am very pleased with the way this year went as compared to the last 2 year's!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A MeMe on My Name

1. First Name: Barbara
2. Middle Name: Jean
3. Name you go by: Barb
4. Name(s) your parents call(ed) you:binki or Barbara
5. Other nicknames (past and present): I really didn't have any other nicknames..I sometime's get called "mommy" oh I guess Brit call's me "babies" ( he started that when I was Pregnant with Janaya cuz I am his baby and I was carrying his baby...cute huh!!
6. What did you call yourself when you were little? Binki or Barb
7. Were your parents considering any other names (that you know of) before they settled on yours? they considered only Barbara for a girl and for a boy my mom liked Scott and Dad liked Dusty!
8. What does your name mean? I think it mean's stong or beautiful one, my mom named me after her best friend!
9. Do any famous people share your name? Barbara Striesand or Barbara Mandrell
10. Can you pronounce your name backwards? arabraB
11. Favorite girls' names: Julia and
12. Favorite boys' names: Jordon, Jackson and
13. Favorite name you've ever read in a book: I can't really say I have any favorite's
14. Favorite names from a TV show:Julia, Jennifer, Hope, Eathen, Chloe, Brady
15. Favorite name for a dog/cat: Chico, Do-boy, Rosco, Julia had a rabbit named Tiny once!!

Well, that was at least 5 new things about me. If you haven't shared "5 new things about you" yet, consider yourself tagged - even if you have done one, you're still tagged. If you would like to play along and share about your name please do so.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Better Day!

Today was a much quieter day, the big kid's were back to school and 3 of my daycare kid's left at noon! So I had a relaxing afternoon, well for about 1 1/2! I have an evening kid that is here till 10:30 which really bite's when I have to get up at 5:30am!! I just don't have the heart to tell his mom that I don't want any kid's in the evening anymore! What is a girl to do?

I got it arranged for Julia and Jordon to ride to school with the neighbor girl, I used to take them but it is not possible anymore with so many kid's. This will relieve some stress!!
Today at noon I introduced my nephew to hotdog's, he is about 10 mos old so I was a bit nervous but I made them real small and to my surprise he loved them, ate a whole hot dog! Why kid's love those so much I will never!

Not sure if anyone noticed but it is snowing outside!! What is up with that? I thought we were heading into spring, then Jordon's aide quickly reminded me April Fool's, must be huh??!

Well not much else to report tomorrow I get to go bowling for the last time this season so I will be sure to enjoy every second I'm there!! I might just have to find something else to do when it's dond just to keep that one night a week!!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

Oh my what a day!

Holy cow is it Friday yet? Today was my first day with the new kid's and there is no school so needless to say I had 9 kid's up until about 45 mins ago! I don't think I have sat or been able to think strait since! I now have 6 kid's 4 and under M-F and 4 diaper changes to do every 2-3 hours!!! Talk about busy. I also made the mistake of not touching my laundry all weekend so I have been doing that the best I could today also. Baby Cooper is teathing and obviously had a long weekend so he has been pretty much screaming since 9am, he is now sleeping going on 30mins!!! Hopefully when we get our new routine down and get used to eachother thing's will quiet down. The new kid's are very well behaved so that is a big help.

On to our Easter, we traveled to my aunt and uncle's house yesterday where we spent the day with lot's of family and had a great time. There was lot's of food and drink and of course easter basket's coming from every direction!! LOL! It was nice to be able to see my Grandma again and look forward to seeing her again in June when we go camping with Papa and Grandma Hoeke! My god parent's were there also and my brother Kenny, his wife and her son too. My sister was there also. We always have lots of fun at our family get together's.

Well I hear the baby so off I go at you later!!!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Answer's to Question's

Tracy said...
You answered alot of the questions I would have asked on your marriage meme.
10:29 AM

Yeah I knew that people probably knew of that situation and thought it was a good way to explain it!!

Jamie said...
If you could have one thing in this world what would it be?
11:29 AM

This has been a tough question for me, I have thought about it for day's just because there are so many things I "want"! I guess a few would be that my children live happy, healthy, fullfilled lives and spend their eternity with the Lord and Savior!
Another would be what everyone wants which is total finacial security and to never have to worry about money!!
Finally I would like to have a house with lot's of yard and a place I can make and call my own!

Lori B said...
What are some of your hobbies?
12:53 PM

I like to swim, camp and take the kids fishing in the summer. I like to scrapbook!! Spending time with the kid's and husband. I enjoy playing poker on my computer also.

Kari said...
Is there anything that I don't already know about you?
9:41 PM

I don't think so...and if I figure it out I will surely let you know!!

I hope this answer's some of your question's. If you have anymore let me know, I think this is a good way to get to know people and it's fun, I didn't realize it would challenge me so either!! Thanks!!!

Thursday, April 05, 2007


I have seen this a few time's today from all kind's of Blog's and thought hey this could be fun. So go ahead and ask me a question if you got one!! I will be glad to tell you about us!!..I will answer them in a few day's!! ????????????????

Marriage MEME

1. Where/How did you meet?We met Thanksgiving Day (2002) he was a friend of my sister's from DSU who was here alone on she invited him to my house and we cooked for him and a few of his friend's. He played with my kid's for hours.
2. How long have you known each other? 4 year's
3. How long after you met did you start dating? about 6 mos our 2nd meeting
4. How long did you date before you were engaged? 3 mos
5. How long was your engagement? 1 mos
6. How long have you been married? it will be 4 year's in Aug
7. What is your anniversary? August 21st , 2003
8. How many people came to your wedding reception? about 40
9. What kind of cake did you serve? a sheet cake with red and yellow roses
10. Where was your wedding? we actually got married in a Private ceramony with friends and family at the court house
11. What did you serve for your meal? Steak, salad's, hanburger's...and refreshements...oh dont forget the
12. How many people were in your wedding party? we each had a witness and Julia as our little attendent
13. Are you still friends with them all? Yes
14. Did your spouse cry during the ceremony? Yes he did
15. Most special moment of your wedding day? Saying our vows and being pronounced husband and wife...most loving moment!!!
16. Any funny moments? Before we even started Jordon fell asleep!
17. Any big disasters?Brace your selves....Britton got arrested seriously 5 mins after we were finished...hauled to jail where he had to sit because the banks were closed to get bail money.....yes I spent my wedding reception and night with out my new husband! This is a long story but he was involved in an ongoing dorm robbery case from the ended not so badly...just the best day of my life and the worst all in about stressfull!! We plan to renew our vow's someday somewhre romantic.....
18. Where did you go on your honeymoon? The 2nd day of our marriage we left for a night alone...autnies kept the kid's
19. How long were you gone?1 day
20. If you were to do your wedding over, what would you change? Well Im defianetly gonna change everything from after Ido .......maybe in Jamaica.....
21. What side of the bed do you sleep on? The left
22. What size is your bed? Full
23. Greatest strength as a couple?Our communication, our faith in God...our determination
24. Greatest challenge as a couple?Both very stubborn...and working through the legal issues in the's all better now
25. Who literally pays the bills?Brit make's the most of the income...I write out the bills every month...I take care of groceries and etc...
26. What is your song? No Letting Go...
27. What did you dance your first dance to?Unchained Melody
28. Describe your wedding dress: I wore a wight top and skirt,
29. What kind of flowers did you have at your wedding? A mixed bouqet, had big daisies
30. Are your wedding bands engraved? No
31. How old were you when you got married? I was 23 and he was 22

I realize some of my wedding doesn't sound so good...even though it was rough I am truely glad to be married to my wonder ful hubby. I am so in love and it only get's stronger with time. Britton was brought into my life at the perfect time and helped me through some tough issues from my last relationship. I'm sure many of you know how it was! Britton moved into my house May1 2003 because he needed a place to stay for 15 days till he would be going home to Montana. Well after those 15 day's he realized he couldn't go. He was falling in love....and so was I! He decided to stay here with me and face up to the legal issues and handle it as he should. He really changed his life in short period of time. I never knew love could change a person so much and help me to heal at the same time. We quickly were married and then pregnant with Janaya. Most of you probably know I had 3 from previous. I thank God for bringing this man to my heart, soul and life! I can't imagine my life with out him! He has stepped up and been a dad to my other 3 kid's and he is all they know. He must truely be an amazing man to take on what he did and to still contiue to take such good care of us in every way!! I love you Brit.....

Busy Thursday

WOW this day has been busy! I ended my day still haveing 7 kids. Tomorrow there is no school so total I will have 9 all day long, and then the 3 extra overnight again....UUGGH! It is really taking atoll on me to be doing such hours. I feel like I dont ever really get a break!! I look at it though that I am home with my babies and making a living too. I love the moments with the kid's. Today we dyed easter egg's with the daycare kid's...messy but fun! Janaya and Ely are old enough now to join and they had a blast!!

Speaking of daycare I got another call today for 3 kids, they are like 4,3,2 (talk about close). They would be here M-F 6:30 - 4P. It is extra money but that would bring my daycare total to 9...and when u add my kid's it's 13 here at any given time!!!! I am worried about the amount of space seeing how my home is very small. I think we need to get this house buying in motion(faster) so I can get something that allows for me to be comfortable with that many kid's around!! Thank goodness for the fenced in yard!! If I decide to take them I will consider my self full and not take any more!!!! They are coming tomorrow (Friday) at 2p for an interview visit so we'll see how it goes! Well I am gonna rest up for the day...Happy Easter to all of you!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Great Grandma Visit

My Grandma is here this week (well staying at my uncle's in Garretson) and my mom brought her here today and had us all over for supper. My kid's have only seen her a few time's and she is not young!! I am truely happy for each oppurtunity they get to see her. I love to sit and watch her facial expression's as she watches them play and talk. She lit up so with love!!! She tell's them stories of us when we were little and point's out the feature's each one has of us. Tonight when my mom was rocking Cooper she did this hum that my Grandma always did...I quickly told her how I did that with all mine and how everytime I hear it I think of her!! She really is a special lady and I hope my kid's will remember her with as much love as I do....

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Yet another MEME

Yet Another MEME
A. What accessories do you wear everyday? Wedding ring.
B. What is your beauty routine? Showering in the am, doing my hair
C. What was the last item of clothing (for yourself) that you purchased? A shirt and some victoria secret underwear...giggle
D. Do you use a dresser, closet, or both? Both. Mostly the closet!
E. What type of earrings are in your ears right now? I dont wear earings!
F. What type of figure do you have? Short, thick...could stand to loose a bunch of
G. Do you wear glasses? No.
H. What type of handbag do you carry?I have abrown purse that needs replacing!
I. What is your ideal style?Casual or relaxed, gotta move easy
J. What jewelry are you wearing right now? Wedding ring
K. Do you wear knee-hi stockings? No
L. Do you "have" to wear matching lingerie? I like them to but usually in a hurry so dont always
M. Do you wear makeup? NO ( only on a SPECIAL occasion)
N. Do you wear nightgowns? Yes, prefer silk
O. What outerwear do you put on when going out on a typical winters day? My winter coat, gloves, and scarf.
P. What is your favorite perfume?Favorit perfume would be Sunflower, have lots of lotion's too favorite lotion is Sweet Pea
Q. Is your motto "quality over quantity" when it comes to clothing and accessories? I guess I dont go so much for "expensive" but quantity is a necessesity
R. Do you wear rain boots? No
S. Do you wear socks or slippers when your feet get cold? Socks, I dislike slipper's and in the summer I am generally in sandals or barefoot.
T. Do you have a set of travel luggage? Yes
U. If you are married, did you wear a veil with your wedding dress? No
V. Do you wear a watch? No
W. What do you wear every single day? Undergarments. Jeans, or shorts, oh yeah a shirt
X. What item of clothing always makes you feel eXtremely beautiful? Tight fitting shirts, bold colors
Y. What is your favorite type of yarn? Dont have a favorite
Z. Do you prefer zippers or buttons?Zipper's...
Please feel free to play along and post yours on your site too.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

100th Blog

I noticed when I went to post that this is my 100th blog...YAY! I guess my writing skills should be perfect now!! LOL

Anway the real reason I posted is that my computer is fixed...April fool's...HAHAHA!! If I have to be mad about it might as well joke about it too!! Hope you all had a good weekend. Our's was mostly quiet and indoors as to not go floating away with the rain. And the hail was nut's too. The kid's wanted me to catch it for I put a pan out on the step and caught some, they were so amused. LOL. Well it's late I best try to sleep...still working on mastering that!!