Monday, December 29, 2008

This and Thats....

Last week was so busy and so FUN! I love Christmas and time with family. We had lots of company and family things going on!

Christmas Eve day I had daycare kids half the day and planned on it being a fun filled "holiday day". My sister arrived with Cooper and Ely and the fun began....Jackson was chasing Whiskars(the cat) under the Kitchen sink and broke a water pipe (more like tube) and water sprayed EVERYWHERE!!!! Thankfully there was a shut off valve and the break was above it so we got that off. We cleaned it all up and proceeded with lunch and play and Papa showed up and when he went to fix the ("tube") it broke again this time below the shut of valve, of coarse, right? Again, Thankfully Brit arrived now and was able to get under the house and shut of the main to the house..UGH! So now parents are here for there kids and hey at least they got their presents and indoor swimming..HA! The next few hours were chaotic but we were able to get ready for the evenings plans with family.

We had a great supper at my dads, Don, with my brother Kenny and his wife Jill and son Zach. Amanda and the boys were there too. It was fun and great to all be together. From there we all headed to my my mom and Waynes. Steph, Cody and my lil Rowdy were there as well as Kyle, Amanda's husband. We opened gifts and visited till late!

Christmas morning Brit the kids and I opened gifts here and spent some family time here before heading to mom and Waynes again for lunch and family time. I have pictures and another video to share. The boys also got to go Ice Fishing with Papa Wayne this weekend so we have pics of that too.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Did everyone have a good Christmas....we sure did!! It's been a busy...busy week and lots of company! I have lots of pictures to share and show everyone I jus don't have them all uploaded yet! I have one video to share...the kids gift from Grandma & Grandpa Davis was AWESOME!! They have been asking and wanting this for a long time....

Yay a Wii!! Things got rather exciting for the rest of the day...or days...we been playing!! They have a few games already.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I know some of you get migraines and know how they are...I started getting one on Monday afternoon and I took meds right away. On Tuesday it was still hurting so I again took meds. Later on in the day I started getting the nausea, dizzy feeling. I laid on the couch and finished my day of daycare. Then it hit full force. Julia and Brit made supper and I laid dizzy and sick and in PAIN. Finally at 6:30 I had enough and Brit took me to the ER where I was given a shot of Toradol and a shot of Phenergan. I came home and slept from 9 pm to 8am. Was up till 10 and still not feeling good so slept till 1:30 pm. Took shower and back to sleep till 4:30. When I got up I felt better but can't shake the dizzy and nausea feeling! I am still taking Midrin today which is keeping it tolerable. Brit stayed home today as I had kids coming and couldn't even take care of my own. I hate...hate.. hate... Migraines! Hopefully it is better yet tomorrow.

365 DAYS....

Happy 1 year of NO SMOKING!

Today is a full year of no smoking and I can say this is one of the proudest moments of my life! I did this with my husband , and it took all the will power I had to just do it! Now a year later I can't believe it, I did it and WOW it feels great!!!

No a few things I learned about Quitting:
After 20 mins, my blood pressure and pulse rate have decreased.
The temp of my hands and feet increased!
At 8 hours my carbon monoxide level drops to normal! And the Oxygen level in my blood returns to normal! WOW makes you feel like FRESH AIR!
At 24 hours the chance of having a heart attack decreases.
At 48 hours nerve endings begin to regrow ( I honestly didn't know this)
and the smell and taste ability improves.
At 2 weeks to 3 mon walking becomes easier and circulation improves.
Also Lung function is increasing!
At 1-9 months coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness
breath improve!
At 1 YEAR coronary heart disease decreases to half of a smoker!!
I am now on a path to better health as our my children and those around me!
My hair, clothes, breath, house all smell better!
The color of my teeth and nails is not YELLOW!!
My skin is healing ( yeah thats right)!
So as you see its a good thing I quit!!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Santa and his Reindeer Visit

Santa and his Reindeer

Julia, Jordon, Jackson and Janaya December 6th, 2008 My special friend, Lydia and Santa

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Janaya's Pictures...Finally

We had Janaya's pictures taken Friday at Sear's ...I love how they turned out!
Merry Christmas!!!

How precious is this.....

Daddy's favorite...package pose

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

This is SO FUNNY!!

My goofy bunch

Our beautiful tree...


Mine and Brit's b-day cake from Kari

My two favorite boys....

Been Busy!!

Here's whats been going on....

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We enjoyed spending time with family at my moms here in town!!

Happy Happy Birthday Britton!!
Britton celebrated his b-day on Thanksgiving. Love you babe!

How to make a long story short? I HATE the dentist, my mouth is sensitive and seems to hurt even when "numb"! So I have been dealing with a BAD tooth for a few "years" (for real). Well the pain got so bad I had to go, I cried, shook and had a talk with the doc as to why I let this go so long and he agreed to give more anesthetic and I agreed to not do this again. On Monday I ended up with an extraction and 2 fillings. I will go back in January for some more work. I know it's childish in my head I really do but have you ever had a fear you jut can't handle...regardless of your age??

We got our Christmas tree put up the day after Thanksgiving! It looks so beautiful. I even got gifts wrapped and under it!! I have all the shopping and wrapping done except for Brits family and a few friends. Feels great to be so on top of it this year!! Maybe it's just because I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!

Duke is making a trip to the Vet on Thursday. It is time to be Neutered, he will not like me for a few days but I have been advised to do it and told it helps for health reasons and might help with some of his issues.

On Friday I have a doctors appointment. I think it is the annual "fix" Barb week or month..HA!! I know it's all worth it as I feel better in the end!
Have a great week!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's OUR Birthday!!

Today is my own and my nephew Ely's birthday!! I am 29 and he is 4 yrs!! Ely is my first born nephew!
Here's our sister was expecting her first child...I had no other nieces or nephew's and he was due close to my birthday. I worked an overnight (at the hospital) on the 22nd of November and got a call from my sister that she was in labor and on her way to the hospital..YAY and OH BOY..I finished my shift and left to home. I got everyone out the door and changed clothes, I then headed over to my mom's where we headed to Huron( I have been up for 24 hours now). We got there and spent the day walking and walking and everything all day taking only about 40 mins of nap! Into the night and morning Ely David was born at 2:45 am and he was so new little "cheesy one" . It was awesome..and my best birthday present ever! He is my godson and I still call him Cheesy One at 4 yrs old (haha Amanda). So Happy Birthday buddy Auntie loves you so very much! And by this time mom and I were heading home at 5:30 am and I was scheduled to work another overnight that night..and have been awake for 2 days. I called them on the way to Madison and got it switched to not work till the next overnight...I know confusing...but I went home to bed.
Today I have had breakfast in bed and everyone pitching with housework, Brit and I are doing laundry together and we are making "our" family Thanksgiving dinner. We will go my moms with family for Thanksgiving Day but today it will be just us as a family. So on that note Have a Great Weekend!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Shock Collars??

Before I ask for advice I must say out loud that this is 2 days in a row that I am!!

So onto my dog, Duke as cute and rewarding as he is is a puppy with a hard head and forgets to use his thinker quite often. Some issues that "bug" me are getting rough when playing, you just can't do that with little kids around. He also likes to take food and we are working real hard on he has to stay out of kitchen at meal times and all food is to be eating at the table. He also is aloud scraps but in his food bowl and ONLY when everyone is finished and he is called, it's work in progress but he still tries to approach high chairs and the garbage. He also chews up everything he can find, we have bought him so many toys and he loves them but he will not stop. Then there is the infamous running off and not coming back until a group of people catch him or he feels like it. Now he doesn't do that to Brit just me and the kids. Brit keeps saying you have to get control over him and I know this but I have tried everything and he just looks at me like " um ya whatever lady". I have spanked him, rewarded him for good behavior and tried using his kennel for a "time-out". All Brit has to do is look at him or say his name and he is at his beck and call. Not fair...I'm here all day...everyday!! So a lady I know has a golden retriever and has had a few in the past and she suggested using a shock collar. I thought it was a dread full idea but she said she used to think so until she tried it and her dogs have responded well and quickly. So as time goes on and he continues to do these things I have started considering using one. I just can't seem to get over the cruelty of it, I know the shock isn't that strong but Ouch! Maybe that's why it works so well ? So what do you think? Have you ever used one?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Just some stuff..

I see I haven't posted since the 13th although I tune in everyday to read how everyone else is doing. Things have been good around our household. I got Julia's school pictures back this week but haven't gotten over to the scanner to show you all...they are BEAUTIFUL! I am making a deal with myself to get there this week I promise! HA!
Brit got sick last week with a bad stomach flu he was in bed from Wednesday till Saturday, he is feeling better each day. Nobody else (knock on wood) has gotten it and that is a first! HA!

The kids all got flu shots last week at the Flu shot clinic they had at the school, I was even able t get one for Janaya. She was the only one that cried and had to be held down ( I know, I know TERRIBLE) which was surprising to me because I can't think of too many times she has cried for shots.

I am doing and feeling well, I had a increase in my medicine 2 months ago and am starting to notice quite a difference in how I am feeling. I felt for awhile that I needed the increase because I knew I didn't feel as good as I could. I have a follow up appointment the first week in December but think we will stay at this dose. I am planning on talking to him about my back as well. I know I don't talk about it much because I have just learned to live with it, again I should know better. Back in 2003 before I got married and pregnant with Janaya I had been working with a chiropractor and a ortho in Sioux Falls and had a bone scan and scheduled a MRI which never happened due to finding out I was pregnant. I have alot of pain in my lower back and now upper in between my shoulders. It is getting worse all the time and even hard to lift my arms to comb my own hair. The problem I have is I learn to tolerate it so much that it gets pretty bad before I go in to the doctor. The lower back I know where the problem is and that is what we were investigating, the upper is new. But with that much back pain and a nerve pinching I need to have it fixed.

I have a few cute sayings from Janaya I'd like to share. Last Wednesday her and I were driving to Mcdonalds and she started to talk about moving to different places and she said "I wanna move to Hanna Montana so I can see my Grandma Davis everyday cuz she so nice". I'm sure grandma would love that..cute!!
The other night the kids were playing a game with the lights off and Janaya is afraid of the dark and so I sat with her so she could be involved. I tried telling her that when the lights go off there are no monsters and its just her same room. When they flipped the lights on she said " oh see mom nothing changes, its just my room" How cute.
When Brit was sick last week she said " daddy you are sick? oh no you got the fro up germ, you need to wash your hands my teacher said and thats bad"
I could go on and on because she cracks me up all the time but on that note Have a great day!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Pedigree - Vintage photos

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Only in South Dakota...

does it go from 70 degrees to freezing and snowing in the same week!! I was so hoping winter would FORGET to come this year. HA! Even though I knew it was coming I still hoped. I think I am getting older because I don't want to leave my house for much of anything. I usually like to go..go..go because I spend all week in the house, but lately I don't seem to mind just staying here..where its WARM.

We haven't done much this weekend, Friday we did our shopping and Saturday the kids bowled. Today the kids went to Sunday school and Brit and I had breakfast at Mcdonalds and ran a few errands, picked them up and here I've stayed. Football is on today and been on our TV since it started..HA! Brit is on a Fantasy Football league so Sunday is his day with the TV and computer from noon till bedtime. Im kindof getting into it and have learned quite a bit about football too.

The kids conferences were on Thursday night. Mrs.Sims said Julia is doing very well and she is really pleased with her. She has great reading and comprehension skills and is very strong in her beliefs and will be a great leader!! Way to go Julia, we are SO VERY PROUD OF YOU!
Mrs. Gabriel had some good things to say about Jordon as well. He is SUPER in Math and loves doing it, even when it's not math time he wants it to be!! He needs to work on reading, talking loud all the time also. His behaviors are getting better and he has changed alot. Recess still brings trouble with a group of boys constantly hurting him we voiced our concerns again and it seems she will try to keep a closer eye on it. Way to go Jordon!!
Mrs. Hojer said Jackson is doing great also. He hasn't had any trouble adjusting and is reading really well to. In his bag of books he is at a level 10 right now and will need to get to 18 by the end of the year which looks like it will be no problem. He is also doing Excellent in Math, he does above what he needs to. It doesn't surprise me since he started doing adding and subtracting last year on his own. Way to go Jack!!

Hope you all had a good week!!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I agree with everyone talking politics can be tricky! I will however say that I'm glad to see such change and HISTORY being made in our Great Country! We can all hope and pray for better days for all Americans!! Congratulations Barrack Obama!!!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Stopping By..

I thought I'd stop by here for a short visit..HA! Days seem to always get busier and the kids are getting older and changing so much! I have been so thankful for this AMAZING October and November warmth..we have been out playing and having fun!!

Some things have changed in the daycare situation and I find myself short again. I had family with 3 children (one being a baby) and had become pretty good friends with the mom. About 3 weeks ago this mom up and left her husband and took the kids and went home to Oklahoma!! I am still in dibelief and can't imagine how he is dealing with this. Also part of my income!!
Ok tonight I got a call from another mom who has a boy that is 3yrs and started when he wa 18 months, and is Austistic. I have been struggling with her on potty training issues and not wanting to allow him to walk around in underwear thus getting urine on the floor, etc! She called and said I found a new daycare, oh I didn't know you were looking for one!!?? Not to worry it's not me Im great, helpful and have been a good friend, just time for a change??!! Ya so I m not feeling so hot about myself and my job right now. I struggle with going back to work, I wanted to have Janaya in Kindergarten and move before I did that. I have narrowed that we will be trying to do the move between February and May thinking the kids could finish school here and start school there! Conflicted on what to do??!!

On that note Have a Great Day!!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween Boedecker Style

Natylie, Jackson, Braedyn and Janaya

Julia and Baby Camden

Ninja Jordon

Julia, Jordon, Jackson, Janaya, Natylie, Braedyn and Camden

Trick or Treat!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekend Recap

I can't believe another weekend has come and gone! We are nearing the end of October so fast!! We had a nice weekend here at the Boedecker's.
Friday Brit and I were both off work by 3pm!!! AWESOME!! We picked up the kids from school and headed to Brookings for groceries and such! We were home and unloaded by 7:30 and got to enjoy the evening with the kids!
Saturday the kids bowled in the afternoon and then we did some cleaning. We had some friends and their daughter over for supper, Brit grilled country ribs that he marinates specially and talk about YUMMY!! After supper we all hung out and visited and played till 8pm then headed out to Lake Madison where there was a haunted house. We were a bit nervous about taking Janaya because of her age but they all jumped up and down saying they wanted to go! HA! It started out OK, Janaya was doing great and walking on her own(without Daddy carrying her). It appeared that everything was "decor" and we had convinced her of that, Jackson and Lydia ( both 7) were not so much convinced and ready to cry at any moment. Then it happened, two of the "decor" were real and started to move and make noise, mixed with Andy's "boo's" we got cornered and the two lost it!! I have never seen such a look of PURE FRIGHT on any two children's faces and it took everything I had to hold the two until Jill could relieve me of Lydia! Once they realized how scared they were they flipped on the lights, showed themselves and all was calm. Jackson did take some outside, in the fresh air talking with Daddy to fully calm but it ended with laughs and smiles! The funny part was he was the first to say "yes lets go" and the first ready and in the van. All the other kids, including Janaya laughed! They ended up with treats too, all in all a fun time.
Sunday brought Sunday school and LAUNDRY for mommy! I do it like 3 times a week or more but Sunday always seems to have so much to do??! I hope everyone had a good weekend!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Boys School Pictures!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

This and that...

We had a nice relaxing weekend here! It is getting cold too if it's ever slow enough..right? The kids had bowling on Saturday, Julia bowled her highest game ever, 136!! YAY Julia!! Janaya did much better sitting and waiting to bowl rather than run laps around the place!HA!

Sunday the kids had Sunday school and Brit and I enjoyed breakfast at Mcdonalds alone!! The rest of the day was R&R and laundry. We are kind of getting into "movie" season again with it being cold. We also got our Halloween decor up, now we just need to go get some Pumpkins!

The kids got a Spiderman cartoon and The Son of the Mask.

Mom and Dad got The Love Guru, and The Happening! Last weekend it was The Eye. All 3 are pretty good movies, but I'd have to say The Eye kept me on my seat or flying through the roof the entire movie!!

I need to find time to get to my moms to scan the boys school pictures for you all! Julia was sick that day so she won't get hers done till the 30th of October! They turned out good so hopefully this weekend I can get that done!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Where ya been Boedecker's??

Quite often I think of my blog and quite often I have moments where I say "I should blog about this"!! Now not so "often" do I get here, yes I know! Have I said this before??

So over the weekend the kids bowled on Saturday and we QUICKLY realized that Janaya sits good for the first few frames and then has a friend or two she needs to socialize with! She had fun though so I think we'll keep her in!
Sunday was Sunday school and Janaya got to bring cousin Natalyie along and I think she'll be going more often with her now. After church we came home relaxed and then took the family to Sioux Falls for supper at ....The Olive Garden...YUM!!!

The kids are adjusting to riding the bus, since I have too many to fit in the van they have had to start this again. It has its "issues" but is smoothing out!
Julia has found herself a busy girl and is giving up band. I was a bit discouraged but she's only in the 5th grade she has many years ahead to be weighted down!!

The boys are being boys and really into sports again this year. They still favor football, I'd like to try to get them to a Pro game sometime, FUN STUFF!!

As for me I am keeping busy here at home with Daycare and my normal housework, been feeling overwhelmed with decisions and if you know me I stress EASY! HA! Have you ever been hypnotized or seen it done?? There was a seminar held here in town last night to help with weight loss and quitting smoking using Hypnosis. A friend and I are always talking about losing weight so we went and gave it a try, if nothing happens I'm not out anything!! It was cool, very relaxing and interesting. I don't know if it will actually work but I do know I felt that something happened??!! It's different than stage Hypnotism so we'll see.

Well thats all I can think of for now...Have a good Day!!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Looking for a new Opportunity??!!

So I have some news...some may not like it...some may like it...and some might not care either way..HA! So a few times now Brit and I have discussed moving to a whole new town or city all together and not just a new house!
Well after much discussion, research and talking to our families we are going to look into or should I say pursue a HUGE move to....Fargo, ND!! Job opportunity and schooling for Brit are AWESOME and we need to do whats right for our family. I have never left Madison since moving here in 5th grade, and not sure how to live away from my MOM, but I'm willing to try!
I have found 3 Daycare jobs that would be perfect for me and still be able to take Janaya with me when she's not in school. I have also been looking at houses online and there are so many I can't even imagine seeing them all!! We may rent for awhile who knows.
So now it's just putting it all in motion, the job Brit is going to apply for pays very well and has a relocation bonus plus would allow for him to take classes and work at the same time! I know I never talk about this but Brit was a pre-med student and has the desire to finish school they have Pharmacy program at NDSU and that is another profession he is highly interested in!!
I guess I can't say when this is going to happen, I know it will be sometime between now and May, that would allow for the kids to finish school here this year!
We hope and pray it's a good decision and are putting it in God's hands!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

September 21st, 2001

Happy Birthday To You!

Happy Birthday To You!

Happy Birthday Dear Jackson!

Happy Birthday To You!!

My Little Jackson, I can't believe how fast you've grown! 7 Years ago I was given a 2nd son, and from the moment I knew you were coming I knew you would be something special! Your big brown eyes and big smile are always a joy to me! You are such a big helper to me and your family!! I love being your mom and wish for a special day for you!! Love you always and forever, mommy!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11, 1999

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday dear Jordon!

Happy Birthday to you!!

My dearest Jordon Micheal, 9 years ago I was given an amazing gift, my first born son!! You were a beautiful healthy baby and your smile has always lit my face and warmed my heart! You are such a strong and loving young man! You have overcome so many obstacles and have shown the world what you can do. You have been my greatest challenge and GREATEST reward and I will always be here for you! I love you and hope your day is as special as you are!! Love you always and forever, Mommy

Jordon loves to chop wood when we are camping!!