Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I know some of you get migraines and know how they are...I started getting one on Monday afternoon and I took meds right away. On Tuesday it was still hurting so I again took meds. Later on in the day I started getting the nausea, dizzy feeling. I laid on the couch and finished my day of daycare. Then it hit full force. Julia and Brit made supper and I laid dizzy and sick and in PAIN. Finally at 6:30 I had enough and Brit took me to the ER where I was given a shot of Toradol and a shot of Phenergan. I came home and slept from 9 pm to 8am. Was up till 10 and still not feeling good so slept till 1:30 pm. Took shower and back to sleep till 4:30. When I got up I felt better but can't shake the dizzy and nausea feeling! I am still taking Midrin today which is keeping it tolerable. Brit stayed home today as I had kids coming and couldn't even take care of my own. I hate...hate.. hate... Migraines! Hopefully it is better yet tomorrow.


First Time Mommy said...

I get Migraines too but not as bad as yours (thankfully)! My Mom use to get them so bad she'd have to go in for shots and all that fun stuff. I'm greatful mine don't get that bad. If I can get on top of it before it hits full force I'm ok. Sounds like you tried to do that...sorry it didn't work!

I hope you are feeling better!

Tracy said...

Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. I hope you are back to yourself in no time!!!!

Kari said...

Migraines SUCK... too bad. I hope you are feeling better!

The Wangsness Family said...

OHHH BARB!! YOU NEED TO START BLOGGING AGAIN! LOL! Well miss reading bout your busy busy life. Love you sis.