Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A MeMe on My Name

1. First Name: Barbara
2. Middle Name: Jean
3. Name you go by: Barb
4. Name(s) your parents call(ed) you:binki or Barbara
5. Other nicknames (past and present): I really didn't have any other nicknames..I sometime's get called "mommy" oh I guess Brit call's me "babies" ( he started that when I was Pregnant with Janaya cuz I am his baby and I was carrying his baby...cute huh!!
6. What did you call yourself when you were little? Binki or Barb
7. Were your parents considering any other names (that you know of) before they settled on yours? they considered only Barbara for a girl and for a boy my mom liked Scott and Dad liked Dusty!
8. What does your name mean? I think it mean's stong or beautiful one, my mom named me after her best friend!
9. Do any famous people share your name? Barbara Striesand or Barbara Mandrell
10. Can you pronounce your name backwards? arabraB
11. Favorite girls' names: Julia and
12. Favorite boys' names: Jordon, Jackson and
13. Favorite name you've ever read in a book: I can't really say I have any favorite's
14. Favorite names from a TV show:Julia, Jennifer, Hope, Eathen, Chloe, Brady
15. Favorite name for a dog/cat: Chico, Do-boy, Rosco, Julia had a rabbit named Tiny once!!

Well, that was at least 5 new things about me. If you haven't shared "5 new things about you" yet, consider yourself tagged - even if you have done one, you're still tagged. If you would like to play along and share about your name please do so.


Lori said...

Thanks for sharing about you name. That was fun to learn more about you.

Tracy said...

Speaking of pet is Rosco???