Thursday, April 12, 2007


Last night was our postion round in bowling to see who bowls the roll-of with the winner's from the first half. When we went into last night we knew we had to get at least all 3 games to win. We have a 7 point system which is 2 points per game and 1 point for total. We ended up taking all 7 points so we WON...YAY!! We all bowled really well last night as a whole and it was great. There was some heated discussion between some member's of both team's who are bowling the roll-of but in the end it was set for April 25, 6P!! If we win that we are the 2nd half winner's!!
I was really excited as this is my first full year with my team and I have worked really hard to learn my new ball and way of throwing it!! My average has come up and I am getting more consistant!! So keep your finger's crossed that we win!!! And hey it give's me another night of bolwing....YIIPPEE!!!


Jamie said...

Congrats and good luck!

Bowling is so much fun!

Lori said...

Good job bowling. Sounds like you had a fun time!
I don't know if I could do anything but gutter bowl. HeHe!

Jennie Thompson said...

Who were you guys bowling against? Last night was our last night of bowling - we're done as a team. :-( GOOD LUCK!! (email me if you'd rather not post it.)

Tracy said...

GOOD JOB! I am definately a FUN bowler...not competitive by any means!

Glad your team did so well...

Kari said...

Good job!!