Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thursday Already?

Well I would be lieing if I said nothing was going on as I have been busy the last few day's. Tuesday was just a rough emotional day that I am just gonna leave at that!! Yesterday I took my dad to SF to have his other carpul tunnnel surgery done. After that I came home and relived my mom from daycare...THANK YOU MOM for helping me again!! I decided after the kid's got home from school I should mow the jungle out there so they could play and I wouldn't have to wait for him to get time. Let me just say that is a man's job...end of story!!! We got a call from the people about the house we are interested in and got a price, so now it's up to the bank if we get it or not...cross your finger's!! So after looking at the house again and visiting with them we came home. My dad took me yesterday when we got back to town to pick up my Zoloft so I took it yesterday and today. I gave in because I was getting that dizzy lightheadedness feeling again. So I am on it and gonna stay on it!!

Tonight Jordon has a musical at the school so that should be fun!! He isn't real excited about it but I suppose that comes with being a boy!! I am hoping to just relax someday soon! Tomorrow is another busy day for shopping..YAY!!


First Time Mommy said...

Sounds like you have been busy! I hope you start to feel better! I hear you with the mowing thing..we are mowing tonight again (2nd time this week)! I use the push mower (which is great exercise) and Jeff drives the rider. I don't mow near as much as him but I still get a work out :)!

Good luck with the house! I'll say a little prayer for you guys that it all works out!

Have a great weekend Barb!!

Tracy said...

I hope everything works out with the house...

How are you feeling today??

Lori said...

Hope you are feeling better.

You have a wonderful Mother's Day!

Jamie said...

I hope you are starting to feel better!

Good luck with the house. I hope things work out for you!!