I realized that it's been a few days since I have blogged and that doesn't happen to often! I guess this has just been a quiet week!! The kids are ready to go back to school, Julia is just bored and Jordon is definatley needing to be back on schedule!!! Jackson and Janaya love having them home though! It just gets crazy here when kids are not on schedule, even Cooper and Ely are on the fritz!!
We are supposed to bowl in the New Years no-tap again this year but both my sitter options are gone till sunday so I am getting worried that we probably won't be!! I am really starting to enjoy bowling and starting to get better. I had 2 really good games this week and even got a 4-10 split...if you don't know that is really hard. You have 2 pins one on each side...talk about pure luck and for the first and possibly last i got it!!! I was so pumped...I even got chest pain, not that I should be happy about that but I did!! LOL.
Some other things have gone on this week that I won't go into detail with but I am sure learning who my bestfriend is and how people will put you into the middle of things just to save their own but!! And the awefull feeling of people looking at you and saying things about you that should be directed the other direction, wow you would think I would have learned my lesson years ago!! Anyway I do know there are plenty of people that know the truth about the situation, me and who I am, so I guess the people that matter know I am not like her!!!
Well I hope everyone has a very Happy New Year!!!
Here is a pick of Janaya after using marker to
put on her "pretty face" she has done worse this
one was just funny!
Friday, December 29, 2006
It's been a few days!
Posted by the boedecker family at 1:15 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!
Oh what a busy day!! Today we went to my mom's for christmas! We had dinner and lots of goodies and much needed family togetherness! It was so good to see everyone!! I think there were like 34 people in my mom's house for quite some time!! It was great!!!! The kids of coarse were blessed again!
Janaya has been totally loaded down with Dora this x-mas and she got make-up so hopefully no more markers...lol. Julia got lots of CD's and movies she wanted. Jordon got some remote control cars and much Power Ranger toys! Jackson was blessed with spider man, and he is in high heaven!! They all got lots of clothes and socks and undies too! It takes hours to open it all and get it put together and put away!!
I was totally hooked up in the kitchen this year, I got a big griddle, cake pan and cookie sheet and finally a deepfat fryer!!!! I was so excited!! Brit got new clothes his foot ball game for the PS2 and his favorite Aramani colonge!! Oh better not leave out his cordless drill with a laser something or other...all I know is he was thrilled!!!
It has been a wonderfull day and so nice to see everyone...Love to all and a ver Merry Christmas!! Here are some pics I took today!!
Here is Natalye and
Janaya, they love to take
Brayden and Cooper,my nephews! They are 10 days apart!
Janaya on her new Dora Big Trike....she has been riding it all over the house!!
Here are my 4 after a long 2 days...do they look like they are done???!!! LOL
Posted by the boedecker family at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Christmas Eve!
Tonight was kindof a family night for us! I geuss there is always room to start a new way of doing things! We went to church at 5:30 for the candlelight service. Janaya had to leave 3 times with Britton, but considering she's 2 I think she was ok!!LOL! After church we went to Pizza Hut and enjoyed some fun! When we got home I was asked about a million times if we could open presents, so after an hour of putting it off we did! Holy cow did they make out like bandits, Grandma and Grandpa's you did your jobs well of spoiling the kids!!! They were in heaven and none of them went to bed before midnight!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 22, 2006
Shopping is officially done!!
I can offically say I am done christmas shopping, now if I could say the same about wrapping...lol! Today my mom watched the kids and Brit and I headed to Brookings to hit Wal-mart! We were in there for 2 hours and didn't even realize it! Pretty darn amazing when there are no kids to make you hurry and watch the clock! We still needed 2 carts though...lol!
The kids had a great time with Grandma, they frosted sugar cookies, made puppy chow and spritzer cookies!! They were just getting ready to have pizza when we pulled into town so we came home unloaded and put everything away before I went to get them! All in all I can say it was a good day had by all...hope yours was too!
Posted by the boedecker family at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 21, 2006
I looked out the window just a awhile ago to see that it is finally snowing! It really made me feel good! Janaya got so excited for some reason and wanted to open the door to watch it, and when I wanted to shut the door she got mad! She doesn't seem to understand that we can't leave it open all day just to see the snow! She is jumping up and down yelling " SNOWING, SNOWING, YEAH!" Sometimes they are so cute and funny I tell ya! Well I geuss I have said it all for now....
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:20 AM 2 comments
She finally got to see Santa!
Yesterday afternoon my Dad called me and said "Did your hubby tell you that Santa is gonna be here today?" (meaning at Prostrollo's) So I had everyone ready and as soon as he got here we headed out there as Janaya hasn't seen Santa and has been really excited about him this year. As soon as we got out of the van she spotted his hat through the window and she started screaming " SANTA...SANTA..SANTA" it was so cute! When we got inside the other kids got a little nervous and she walked right over there and said "You Santa" and started laughing, it was so cute! She told the others to come see and they did! After that she went back and told Papa what she saw and just kept giggleing, it was hilarious! She told him she wants "Dora"!!
When we got home Julia came to me and said "Mom I don't think that was Santa! He is too dirty and Santa isn't dirty!" I quickly told her it might be from chimneys. And she didn't agree as Prostrollos doesn't have a chimney!!! LOL. I then suggested that maybe since Santa is so busy he had an elf dress up to help him out....she said "Oh yeah but I think it is 2 put together cuz elves aren't that tall!!" I laughed so hard after she walked away! I think it won't be long before she figures out the truth! She is 9 afterall.
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:11 AM 0 comments
Wrapping, Wrapping, Wrapping!
I swear I have wrapped a million presents and still have more to buy and wrap! Usually I save the wrapping till the end and then get mad that I have hours of wrapping to get done in just the nick of time! This year I am taking the 'let's get it done early' approach! LOL! I have all the presents for family done and no room under the tree and I still have to get my kids done! I figure the later I do it then they don't have to wonder so long, as they know the ones under there are not their's. Although I did wrap and put the gifts from my Dad under there and they figured it out. LOL!
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 18, 2006
I feel like the Grinch!!
Christmas is my favorite time of year, and I usually look forward to it!! This year is not going as usual! I just am not feeling x-mas at all, I am not sure why and it is really getting depressing. I know part of it is there is NO snow; I don't like winter but can't imagine having no snow at least on x-mas! I also have had this issue with christmas becoming so commercial and all about "PRESENTS"! Don't get me wrong I love giving and recieving and wouldn't take the gifts away but the true meaning of x-mas and the getting together with family seems to slip farther and farther each year! I see this in my kids...all they seem to care about is when they get to open their presents! I am not done shopping either I am hoping to get the last few done on Fri when Brit and I go to Brookings, alone!!!LOL. Hopefully I will feel better soon!
Not much went on this weekend, lots of R&R!! Julia had the 2nd part of her city tournament on sat and bowled pretty good considering she had to bowl 6 straight games!! Brit and I wrapped the presents we have here already and also went to see Grandma and Grandpa Hoeke for a bit Sat afternoon! I made some more "puppy chow" on Sun as it never seems to stay long once it's made...lol. Well time to lay kids down TTFN...
Posted by the boedecker family at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Always Busy but never much to say!
So as I was running around yesterday I thought to myself why am I always so busy but never seem to have anything new to report. Then I remembered that duh I have 4 kids, a husband and I babysit, so of coarse I am always busy but it is the same thing day after day. And then I realized why I find things boring, they are the same time and time again. Once in awhile something will change just a bit or I will have a week where I wish things were just like they always are but I suppose I am not the only one.
I did get a letter from Dr. Blake yesterday regarding our recent visit and in there he changed Jordon's diagnosis a bit, he has now added Pervasive Developmental Disorder or Autism Spectrum! This is the 5th class of Autism and usually higher functioning. I have been saying and asking about this for 2 1/2 years now because I knew from experience that Jordon had too many characteristics of Autism. So it doesn't change to much I just know that what I am doing is right and a few more things I can try to help some of the troubleing behaviors we are still dealing with. I called his Sp. Ed teacher this am and we had a nice talk about some things we can try there and some ideas that I would like to implement here at home. One thing I need to do is come up with some old broken electroncis ie: radios, VCR's that Jordon can have in a tote and his own tools so he can tinker with them, take them apart or whatever. This would help lots of issues we fight over and he could learn something too. So if anyone has any or knows where I can get some please let me know!
I bowled last night and we ended up taking 2nd for the 1st half of the season which is good, we really thought we were gonna get it!! I bowled really well last night all 3 games were over average so that was nice.
Geuss I don't have much else to say...I am now just avoiding the laundry....lol
Posted by the boedecker family at 10:15 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
My boy looks so smart!
Jackson got his glasses today and when he puts them on he just looks so incredibly smart! Not that he's not without them, he just looks good in them. We picked out some different frames this time. I think these ones actually don't make the lens look as thick as it is. His left eye is like 20/70 or something like that...really bad is a good way to put it. I hope this works this time or she said the next step is to put a patch over the good eye to make the bad one work. First off how embarrasing and that will never stay on I can tell ya that right now. It would be fun to play pirates though!
The last few days have been fairly quiet. Britton is feeling not so good but has been trucking through life and work like a trooper. Kids are doing ok, a little bit wound up but normal.
Ely is challanging this week, he has started this "MINE" deal and everything is his even me! The bad part is he hits Janaya when she touches anything and says"mine". I am so frustrated cuz no matter what we say or do he still does it and my poor baby is getting whomped on time after time daily. I can't leave them alone for a second!! He even yelled and pushed her down cuz he saw a picture of Janaya with "his Grandma". Over a picture to me is a bit too much! Everyone seems to think this is funny and just a stage but until it's there little girl getting hit, pushed, bit, or kicked in the head they just won't get it. I know I am a bit overpertective but I guess it's making me angry!! Yesterday she was watching Dora and he came up behind her and hit her in the head with a softball and said "mine"!! I am still not sure what he's talking about but needless to say I was PISSED!! (sorry for the language) When you are hitting someone who is doing nothing but sitting quiet and minding their own business you have an issue!! Well I best quit on that note...or I'll probably stick my foot in my mouth!! I do LOVE the little guy but he needs some attitude asjustments!! Well there you go I did it!! Talk to you all soon....
Posted by the boedecker family at 7:09 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Disney On Ice!!
We took the kids to Disney on Ice last night, oh what fun it was! They totally loved it just like I knew they would!! And Britton had a wonderful time just as I kept telling him he would. They loved the the music and the lights especially from the newer movies! Janaya kept going crazy over Mickey and Minnie...it was cute! There were a few older movies that they didn't remember or know but they still liked them! By the end of the show though they were ready to go...2 hrs is quite awhile! But to their surprise we were going to Wal-mart afterwards! But we left the arena at 9p sharp and when we got in the van from leaving Wal-mart it was 10:11...is that quick or what!! By the time we got home and unloaded,put stuff away and got them to bed it was 11:45! I had some very tired babies and they slept in till 9:30am. YIIPPEE! All in all it was a good family night...we can always use those!
Today Julia had City Tournament for bowling so I was there with her for a few hours. Then she was gonna go to a friends house so I drover her there...I feel like a taxi service sometimes, and I am sure it will only get worse as they get older...lol! We took the other 3 out to pick up a movie and got pizza so they are chillin out quietly...nice quiet evening at the Boedecker's. Guess that's all for now....
Posted by the boedecker family at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Dr. Bunch Visit!
So I went to Sioux falls again this week! Julia had her appointment with Dr. Bunch today,FINALLY! We have been rescheduled a few times since her origianl appt. was set in Oct. But at least she's been seen now. The appt was for her migraines (which seem to be passed on from me) . Anyway she recommended that we start her on a pill called Amitripaplyne. She will take this everyday at bedtime to try to prevent the headaches. She said that she has had the best luck with this drug and other neurologists that she has worked with also said the same thing. So hopefully this will help cut down on some of them and help her to feel better. She was a nice doctor and Julia really liked her!
I was hoping to take the kids to Disney on Ice tomorrow night, I don't know who wants to go worse me or the kids. I have taken Julia before and she liked it, but honestly I think I liked it more...lol! I would like to go to Walmart afterwards and that would mean for a late night and busy kids in the store so we'll see. It would also mean trip number 3 to Sioux Falls this week, YUK! The roads were good so I guess that is a plus and I got to go to BK for a chicken sandwich twice already, YUM! LOL!
Well now that I am home and Grandma has left the kids are wound up and the laundry is trying to tell me something!? So I best go for now...
Posted by the boedecker family at 1:45 PM 4 comments
Monday, December 04, 2006
Dr. Blake visit.
Good Monday to all! Today has been busy for me as usual. Jordon had an apt. with Dr. Blake in Sioux Falls. For those of you that don't know he is Jordon's Developmental Pediatrician. Dr. Blake was very excited about Jordon's groweth over the last 6 months both physically and mentally. He is doing better than he expected in school and his behaviors are at the best we can expect. He says he thinks by talking to me and Jordon and seeing what the schools write that things are going well. He also said it sounds like I have learned well what battles to take or leave; and I have waited a long time to hear someone perfessional says something like that about my parenting with Jordon. I guess I feel that I have not always done the best for him, or that his problems were my fault. So to see such growth and have the doctor say we are doing well means alot. I know he has potential and now I know that I am getting somewhere with it. He also thought that my being home with him has probably done him good as he has always stressed that Jordon needs structure...structure...structure!! I feel good knowing I am where I should be!
Well enough about that...I could go on for hours! I don't have to much else to say just trying to get laundry done today. Julia see's the neuro on Thursday so will report that when it happens! Take care...Barb
Posted by the boedecker family at 4:19 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Getting ready for sadness!
So the in-laws got in late Tues and unfortunately have to leave already tomorrow by noon! The kids love having them here so much! Friday will be a rough sad and dare I say moody day here!! They get so much attention when they are here and don't get to see them nearly enough!! It has been a fun and busy visit. Today Grandpa took each kid individually out for a drive and stopped at a store so they each came home with a new toy...he has just moved to the top of the "favorit person" list! LOL! Grandma has been such a big help around the house with kids, cleaning, cooking and of coarse all the hugs and smooches they need!! She was so nice today and made me my favorite bars, Scotharoo's, yummy!! The kids have not gone to school the last 2days because it was such a short visit and Brit took a vacation day as well yesterday. I am sending them to school tomorrow and they didn't seem to pleased with the idea,but education is important too! Last night while I was bowling Brit and his parents took the kids to the motel to go swimming and found out that little Janaya is quite the daredevil and thinks she can swim on her own. She told Brit that she can jump in herself and would try to dodge him when he attempted tocatch her, I know she has fire under her I am just glad I didn't have to see it as I am sure I would have freaked out everytime!!
Not much else has gone on the last few days looking forward to a quiet weekend, we'll see as it never seems to go that way!! Best go...Barb
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 27, 2006
The In-laws are coming!!
Yep, in like 2 days Grandma and Grandpa Davis will be here and I can hardly contain the kids. The excitement around here is like crazy!! When they come mommy goes into cleaning mode...lol! So I started on Sunday afternoon and I think I am done. The laundry is all done, today I swept and mopped, and i even got the energy to somehow paint some walls in the girls room and most of the hallway is looking good. I sometimes think I should just do a better job all year round and wouldn't have that problem! Any way it should be a fun time as it always is with them!!
On Sat. we set up the christmas tree and other decorations! The kids now want to know everyday if "this is the day santa comes"?? I can't leave out the cat, everyyear when the tree goes up he runs over to it as soon as its up and plugged in and stretches out under it and sleeps. So once again he did this and has been napping there except for mealtime since then, gotta love it!!
To day is Brit's b-day, Happy Birthday Britton, we love you!!
Here we are together, I am one year and 4 days older!! 27 & 26
Kari was so nice and made us a really cute cake for our b-days and brought that over sunday afternoon, Thanks kari!!
Well i best get my kids ready for bed...take care...Barb
Posted by the boedecker family at 8:13 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 24, 2006
I lost as usual!!
So I hope all had a Happy Thanksgiving!! I had a great time with my family and I also found that planning, cooking and serving a meal to 14 is very tiring and stressful. My sister and I did Thanksgiving this year for the 1st time and it is pretty clear that I am definately in favor of just having mom or dad host and I be the geust, lol! It was nice to all be together but I never realized how much work it really is and how THANKFUL I should be to have always had it so easy!!
As I turned 27 yesterday I for the first time in along time felt my age it was actually quite nice! My very loving hubby got me roses and 2 new angels to add to my colection, he is always so good about getting me at least one every special occasion!! I also got some much needed new baking pans, I never take the time to buy these things for myself!! After all was finished with the family my dad, his wife and I headed to the Casino for a fea hours of fun! I went in the birthday booth for the first time and landed myself a whopping $5!! LOL!! I lost all my money pretty darn quick then the extra money that dad and les gave me as well! But I had a very good time so I am not bothered that I came home with 3 cents,lol!
Today I think we will be taking our fun trip to Walmart as it has been 2 weeks since our last venture! Since the kids are not in school I think we can leave shortly after Brit gets home and be back even earlier for some relaxing quiet family time! Was thinking I would try to convince Brit to put the x-mas stuff up tomorrow I usually need to work hard on the convincing part as he doesn't like to do that all that much. Once we get started he comes around it is just actually doing it, with 4 kids trying to help it is quite an adventure!!
Well I geuss I better go...Take care..Barb
Some little boy got caught singing on the toilet!!(yes he used the cleaner brush as his MIC!!)
Julia wanted me to post
a pic of her...so here she is!
Posted by the boedecker family at 10:24 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
The troops are all here!!
So they start thanksgiving break early enough for the travelers but for those of us that stay here it's looking a little early. Jackson however had headstart today and needed much pushing to leave knowing everyone else was home!! Julia is telling me she's bored for the 5oth time in the last hour I think!! Jordon is enjoying playing the P2 and got upset when he had to shut it off so mom could watch her soaps, lol. It is such a beautifull day I am trying to get them outside but for some reason they don't want to, I always wanted to go play when I was little.
Cooper and Ely on the otherhand are being so good and napping as usual!! I think they passed on the cold they had last week to auntie. I have been "snuffy" this week and thanks to my mom got some rest last night as she sent me home with Benadryl Cold medicine!! I slept like a baby and needed it so bad!! Tonight I go bowling but don't feel like it too much just cuz I feel not so hot!
Tomorrow is my B-day and also Thanksgiving!! So if I don't blog or see you may you and your families have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
After I make and serve the meal (with amanda's help) to our families I will rest and get geared up to head to Flandreau for my b-day. Les is gonna go in the money booth for me and Brit bless his heart is gonna stay home with the kids. So it looks like me, dad and Les will go over and TRY to win something but if not I don't care I just love going over there. Some people, mainly my loving hubby think I have a slight addiction to it, lol! If I went more often and blew tons of money I would agree but I only get there once a month or two and never take more than $100 so I personally think I am doing ok!! But seeings how it is my day I get to go, YIIPPEE!!
I will be 27 tomorrow and I know I have said this before but I honestly feel at least 37! Iam sure it's because I started having kids so early but I really feel old and I am not that old!! Who knows maybe I'll feel 27 when iam in my 40's with kids leaving the nest,lol!!
I better not leave out my precious Ely it is his b-day tomorrow too, yes I was so lucky to get my nephew on my b-day! Thanks Amanda, you know that has meant alot to me!! He will be 2 and busy as can be!!
Well I geuss I have blogged enough today best get going..Happy Turkey Day to all!! Barb
This is us with Brits family in Aug at his family cabin!
And this is all of us at the cabin! Yes Brit is tall and I am really that short,lol!
Posted by the boedecker family at 3:06 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 20, 2006
Bowling Champs!!
Oh what a long weekend!! The boys bowled for the last time this season on Saturday. It was a child adult game; the child threw the 1st ball and the parent did the 2nd to try and get the spare!! The boys had so much fun!! Brit and Jackson had a 122 and Jordon and I got a 120!! So the trophy should have gone to them but they mixed up and gave it to Jordon and I , we are the best anyway,right?!! Jackson was pretty upset that he didn't get it so being the wise mommy I am I suggested that since either way it would have come home with us that we all share it since we all did so good!! They agreed with persuasion, more like since we made them!!LOL Either way it was fun and they did really well!!
Julia did wonderful this weekend as well she bowleda 107 her 1st game which is her highest score ever!! I was so proud!! Her other 2 games were good also. Last year she won some scholarship money in the Pepsi tournamnet and hopefully will do well again this year!! We got her a ball last year and this year she is getting a new bag and her first pair of bowling shoes!! She is using a bag that was probably made when bowling was invented, and it looks hideous,lol!!
Janaya had a fairly quiet weekend other than learning from daddy that we dont change our clothes every 30 minutes!! I swear she goes a day or so without doing it then she starts in full force. I trimmed her hair this weekend and it looked so cute. On sunday she got a hold of a pair of scissors and took out 2 chunks of hair, it blends in fairly well but if you look you can see it, that girl I tell ya!!
Brit and I did some house cleaning and enjoyed some relaxing time, which means other than the kids bowling we did absolutly nothing!!! It seems like we always have somewhere to go or something to do on the weekend so a quiet one is nice once in awhile. I best go, cooper is awake and needing abottle. Take care...Barb
Posted by the boedecker family at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 17, 2006
She took up painting!!
So I geuss Janaya finally realized that using a marker for makeup just gets you in trouble, but nobody said it couldn't be used for paint did they?! So last night after she got herselft all pretty she used 'black' marker and started to decorate her bedroom walls!! Such a clever little one she is!! Julia and I scrubbed with everything we had and had no luck in removing it, so I geuss we will have to paint over it!! Daddy is not exactly to pleased with his little Picasso, lol!!
One of these days if she does it again, or I should say when she does I will have to take a picture to post. Don't know why I didnt think of that, thanks Tracy for the idea!! LOL! The funny part of that is her favorite place to color on herself is her belly button she just giggles about it and loves to show me!!
Other than that we had a pretty quiet evening Jill and Lydia came for a visit since daddy was gone bowling and mommy gets lonely, I suppose he does on Wed too but I would have to argue that I am home alone way too much!!
I suppose I should keep this short Ely and Janaya are running crazy this am for some reason. We cant mess up the place today as Jackson's preschool teacher is coming for a home visit. I do have an issue to work out with her; Jackson is left handed and it has been brought to my knowledge that they are trying to make him use his right hand at school. He has used his left hand since he was little, naturally and we decided long ago that he was gonna be fine like that so why try to correct it? And I was not informed of this so I am a bit steamed about it!! He seemed real unsure and upset when I told him it was ok to use the one that "feels good to use". He put his head down and showed me he should use the "right" hand!! Maybe I am blowing this out of porportion but I feel strongly that he should stay the way he was meant to be!! Poor kid is confused now though!! I geuss baby is fussin so I gotta go, later Barb
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:25 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Just use Markers!
So when you cant get ahold of makeup and you are 2 years old of coarse you would just use markers right?! Yesterday afternoon Janaya was in her room watching, yes again, 'Pocus Pocus' being ever so quiet I just let her be; big mistake mom, she was using orange and black markers to do her face up!! Her face (eyes, mouth, cheeks and forehead) was orange while her tummy and legs were black. All I could was laugh as she thought she was so "beautiful mom"!! I think I need to just get her some play make-up of her own and let it go!!
Jordon and Jackson have an obsession with the Playstation lately but on the other hand it occupies them until I say that is enough. Jackson has taken a likin to watching Brit play football and he really gets into it and coaches Brit quite well and loudly even when Brit just as soon not have the comments!! LOL He likes to call the plays and tell Brit " dad you dropped the ball again, just like the whole game". I just sit and giggle because I know he can't stand it but he is spending time with his son and knows Jackson is thrilled to be 'helping'!!
Julia went to a high school music concert last night and was so excited. The girl loves music I swear it's all she thinks about! If she doenst end up in the music career I can't imagine what else she would do with her self!! Her and 2 other girls at school idolize the Cheatah Girls and they call themselves them too!! They call eachother after school and just sing on the phone until one of the mom's says enough!! Gotta love her drive though it could take her far!! And if anyof you know my Julia she can sing!!
Well I best go get the housework done. Tonight is my night out for bowling so I am happy about that! Take care Barb
this is all the kids this summer in Wis, Door county at Brits family cabin
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:59 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Trying to add Pics!!
Hello again I am trying to add pics...thanks for the help Tracy if it doesnt work I will call you!! LOL
This is jackson and Janaya on Halloween just playing!!
All 4 before we left!!

And here is Janaya on one of her beautifull days!! Let me know if this didnt work!! Barb
Posted by the boedecker family at 11:01 AM 1 comments
Good Tuesday morning!
So today has started out as normal and 'Pocus Pocus' is running!! LOL! I dont know what I am gonna do tomorrow when I have to return the movie, it has gotten to the point that Dora doesn't even matter!! She did sleep well last night, i think she is exhausted!! Poor thing has developed a cold and cough to go with the sleeplessness! But mommy got some much needed sleep last night as she only got up 1 time at 11p.
Yesterday we made cookies for the kids when they got home from school and she loved that. She also kept wanting a "backride" which took me a few minutes to figure out and when I did I then had to give a few of them!!!
My nephews are back today and also not feeling well, makes for an edgy morning with 3 kids under3 that don't feel well and want "mommy"!! I geuss I am starting to see Brit's point that 4 is enough!! I have had a hard time since my hysterectomy in May dealing with the fact that I can never have another baby. Some of you may think I am certifiably insane but its true, I would have another if I could. On the other hand I have 4 healthy children and I will be young when mine are grown!!
I suppose I should get back to my forever growing laundry pile; just when I see the ground I turn my back and it starts to grow again. If I could just figure out how to stop that...LOL! Talk again soon...Barb
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:46 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 13, 2006
Beauty sleep who needs it??
So my darling Janaya has decided over the last few days that sleeping is not so much an issue, unless it's her plan!! She has also been trying to nap like at 4p so she can stay up late and watch her TV. I turn the TV off and head back to bed and she gets up and turns it back on. I even tried taking her to bed with us till she falls asleep and that is not even an option in her book. She says'Watch Pocus Pocus mom, now" For those of you not familiar it's actually Hocus Pocus a movie about 3 witches that has been around for years. On sat night she took her bath at like 6:30 and when she got out she says to daddy"watch pocus pocus daddy" and of course we dont have the movie but she don't understand that and says "mommy u mean". Being the nice mommy that I am I bundle her little sweetness up and go to the movie store and rent it. Now I think we have seen it only a dozen times since then...lol!! Girls I tell ya!!
She is also into this beautifull thing, it goes something like "mommy i beautifull" She wants her hair combed and to put mouse in it everyday at least twice. And of course we cant forget to do the "lips". Julia is a bit girlie but Janaya is gonna be overbored. And if any of you know me I am the total opposite so I am trying to learn how to do this. Any tips from the girlie people i could use them. She definately takes after Brits mom and sisters on this one, to bad they aren't closer to help her develop this fine quality in women...LOL!!
Not sure if I mentioned it but parent teacher conferances went great and the kids are doing very well. Julia is an A student with 1 B what more can a mom ask for!!! Jordon is doing much better this year, each year seems to bring a bit more gain so that is very promising!!! He is learning to spell simple words and trying to sound out simple words so all is well.
Well time to watch Pocus Pocus again so I best go start it or I am gonna be "mean mommy " again. Brit Barb and Kids
Posted by the boedecker family at 4:43 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Time for a break!
So here it is Sat morning and the troops are fed and cleaning!! They like me to wake up early and make them a good breakfast, which Julia would say should always be BACON!! Today is usually a busy one but yet fun!! Kids have bowling, it will be the boys last week!! Julia bowls well into April though.
Last night we took our ritual every 2 week trip to Walmart for groceries and other needs. The kids do fairly well for having all 4 of them and 2 carts in there for a long period of time. We went to Brookings again as we have found it to be closer and less crowded compared to Sioux Falls!! My sister and Kyle followed us up and we had supper then shopped, and to my surprise we were done b4 them; and they only had 1 kid with them. That tells me that "dam we are good" ...lol!
Well I best go for now need to get ready for the day...hope all is well with everyone!! Take care...the boedecker's
Posted by the boedecker family at 10:08 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Counting the hours till I get me time!!
Good wednesday all!! So on Wed I sit and count the hours till I get to go hang with the girls and not be "Mommy I want this" for a few hours. I enjoy my bowling and really enjoy the break!!
Had to pick up our PTO stuff and deliver that yesterday, and now I get to make cookies!! Parent teacher conferances are tomorrow night and that is always fun. Brothers wife just called and said she will be stopping by tomorrow afternoon so that should be nice!
I tell ya when I have a busy week it is very busy no real inbetween. One week absolutely nothing to do and the next about a thousand. Well kids just raided the candy again so I best go save what I can or they will be bouncing to fast rather than just bouncing!! LOL.. Barb
Posted by the boedecker family at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 06, 2006
It's Monday!!
Good Monday morning!! This is not my favorite day of the week but I have to get through it to get to Friday right?! We got the yard looking ready for winter now. The kids are geared up for another school week and of coarse Ely and Cooper are super glad to be back with their favorite aunt..lol.
We spent some time at grandma's again and then off to the park! Janaya had an accident both days at grandma's and not sure why. I am thinking she just got too busy outside keeping up with papa!! They enjoyed rides ont he 4-wheeler yesterday!! It is so nice to have such great active grandparents for the kids!! And of coarse the kids love to go anywhere papa is.
I think now I shall try to tackle potty training on ELy he will be 2 this month, on my b-day, which is the 23rd!! Much easier to do 1 at a time. Well since I dont have much to say I suppose I should finish my laundry..I can tput it off forever, or so Brit says..lol!! Talk again soon..Brit Barb and Kids
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:24 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Good morning!! So we went to my mom's yesterday cuz Papa is cutting down a tree and needs his 2 son-in-laws to help...and of coarse his 2 favorite "helpping" grandson's.. We had a lovely after noon till the chain saw broke and everything was closed to get a new part. Jordon says" great now the tree is laying down and we cant move that" Jackson says" yes we can Jordon just lift it". If I could only be 5 again!! On the sidelines little Ely, with his eye's pooping out and arms outstretched just keeps repeating "OOHH it broke!!". Now that we cant cut the tree we retire tothe house and Grandma orders pizza for her troops and the men retire to the "fishing room" for beer..lol.
Mom then decides to get a migraine and feel sick. I had 3 of them last week too. They seem to come in spurts now so who knows. I tolerated it as long as I could with a house full of 12..lol! I wish they could figure out a solution for this but untill then we just go with the flow, needless to say betime then became my course of action.
It is Sunday now and I am stiff in the neck and everyone is ready to go tackle the rest of the tree...UUGGGH! I best go though as cold days are ahead and then we will be wishing we could. Hope all had a good weekend! Take care...Brit Barb and Kids
Posted by the boedecker family at 10:28 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Mom, I have only changed 6 times...
Well here I am again..My daughter is changing her clothes yet again...As the day starts I dress her and then we move on to eating..she then sits down to watch her favorite shows, Dora, Dieago, Blues Clues and the Backyarigans. As that comes to an end she scurries back to her room and comes out generally in her favorite swim suit!! And so begins our journey and pile of clothes...lol..if lunch goes well we will go change into our "kitty" jammies..but dont let that stop her as in about 30 minutes we will go get our Favorite summer dress!! I then lay her down for her nap and go to watch my soaps. In a few short minutes she sneaks to her room and decides nothing will work now so it is time to be NAKED!! I kindly explain that this is winter and it is too cold to be naked and we need to put her clothes back on her reply is "I cant wear that " "sorry mom". Now that I am laughing we just deal with it for about an hour then of coarse we are gonna put something on..and start over for the evening round...lol.
I am sure that my darling girl is not the only in the world that has OCD about having on the right clothes for the moment but it sure creates job security for me as I will always have her laundry..lol!!
So on with the rest of the day! Today is bowling for the kids and then I think we will try to enjoy some not so cold weather!! I will end for now and be back soon....Barb Brit and Kids
Posted by the boedecker family at 10:59 AM 2 comments
Friday, November 03, 2006
It's Friday!!
Well I am back...and it's my favorite day of the week...Friday!! The rest of the week was normal for us. I bowl on Wed and really enjoy my time out of the house. Not much planned for the weekend, the kids bowl on Sat afternoon. Julia is on her 3rd year, Jordon's 2nd and Jackson's 1st. I think it is safe to say Janaya is potty trained very rarely do we have a problem anymore!!! NO MORE DIAPERS!! Hard to believe that I wont have to buy them anymore seeing how I think I have had to for the last 9 years, I think I have almost always had at least 1 in them since Julia came,WOW!! Julia is home not feeling well today...her ears hurt!! Might get the rest of the yard cleaned up for winter this weekend,YUK!! Wish it was spring!!! Well I best go for now...I could probably talk for hours!!LOL Take care and blog at you later!! Barb
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:52 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
getting started!
Hello some of my friends are really getting into this so thought I'd try. Things are well here on the home front. Went trick-or-treating last night, it was sooo cold!! Kids had lots of fun as always. Hope all are well.
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:10 AM 2 comments