Thursday, December 07, 2006

Dr. Bunch Visit!

So I went to Sioux falls again this week! Julia had her appointment with Dr. Bunch today,FINALLY! We have been rescheduled a few times since her origianl appt. was set in Oct. But at least she's been seen now. The appt was for her migraines (which seem to be passed on from me) . Anyway she recommended that we start her on a pill called Amitripaplyne. She will take this everyday at bedtime to try to prevent the headaches. She said that she has had the best luck with this drug and other neurologists that she has worked with also said the same thing. So hopefully this will help cut down on some of them and help her to feel better. She was a nice doctor and Julia really liked her!

I was hoping to take the kids to Disney on Ice tomorrow night, I don't know who wants to go worse me or the kids. I have taken Julia before and she liked it, but honestly I think I liked it! I would like to go to Walmart afterwards and that would mean for a late night and busy kids in the store so we'll see. It would also mean trip number 3 to Sioux Falls this week, YUK! The roads were good so I guess that is a plus and I got to go to BK for a chicken sandwich twice already, YUM! LOL!
Well now that I am home and Grandma has left the kids are wound up and the laundry is trying to tell me something!? So I best go for now...


Tracy said...

I hope the medication works for Julia. Would hate to suffer migraines at such a young age. Poor girl!

the boedecker family said...

Thanks Tracy I hate that she is this young with this kindof issue!! I also need to thank you for your comment on my Jordon made my day again!!

Tracy said...

Your welcome sweetie...just telling the truth. I also wanted to ask "what kind of name is Dr. Bunch?" HA HA!!!

the boedecker family said...

LOL Tracy...I thought the same thing..just weird huh?