Friday, November 24, 2006

I lost as usual!!

So I hope all had a Happy Thanksgiving!! I had a great time with my family and I also found that planning, cooking and serving a meal to 14 is very tiring and stressful. My sister and I did Thanksgiving this year for the 1st time and it is pretty clear that I am definately in favor of just having mom or dad host and I be the geust, lol! It was nice to all be together but I never realized how much work it really is and how THANKFUL I should be to have always had it so easy!!

As I turned 27 yesterday I for the first time in along time felt my age it was actually quite nice! My very loving hubby got me roses and 2 new angels to add to my colection, he is always so good about getting me at least one every special occasion!! I also got some much needed new baking pans, I never take the time to buy these things for myself!! After all was finished with the family my dad, his wife and I headed to the Casino for a fea hours of fun! I went in the birthday booth for the first time and landed myself a whopping $5!! LOL!! I lost all my money pretty darn quick then the extra money that dad and les gave me as well! But I had a very good time so I am not bothered that I came home with 3 cents,lol!

Today I think we will be taking our fun trip to Walmart as it has been 2 weeks since our last venture! Since the kids are not in school I think we can leave shortly after Brit gets home and be back even earlier for some relaxing quiet family time! Was thinking I would try to convince Brit to put the x-mas stuff up tomorrow I usually need to work hard on the convincing part as he doesn't like to do that all that much. Once we get started he comes around it is just actually doing it, with 4 kids trying to help it is quite an adventure!!
Well I geuss I better go...Take care..Barb

Some little boy got caught singing on the toilet!!(yes he used the cleaner brush as his MIC!!)

Julia wanted me to post
a pic of here she is!


Tracy said...

LOL! That is a FUNNY picture! He'll kill you for sharing this with us!