Ok if I thought yesterday was bad when I posted I should have waited till later so it could get worse...LOL! i think I needed a paper bag to breath in most of the day!! I do have all the laundry done and pretty much packed so we can leave bright and early tomorrow am!! Thank goodness I am getting a vacation right now is all I got to say!! So onto other things. I ended deciding to reschedule Jordon's appt because of daycare and I am not taking all 4 of my kids with me to the doctor's office!! Well that pushes his appt to October 10th, is that not crazy! Bad move on my part!! If he hadn't done so well this year I'd really be in a pickle but I think we'll be ok!!
Now onto the worst part of my problem's! One of my daycare mom's quit her job yesterday and is not sure what she is gonna do as far as working or just staying home. I reminded her that the contract says I get 2 weeks or we will have problem's. I don't really want to take anyone to court but I will!! Another one of my mom's called me over the weekend to tell me of some issues that came up with one of her kid's and that she will need CONSTANT supervision and can not be left alone with ANY children and she was worried that I can't do that because I have alot of kid's around here! Well first off I think I can and second off I am willing to try and help out. So my guess is that they will be quitting too!! I am so glad I decided to do this right this time and have them all sign a contract because at least I know I will get 2 weeks out of each of them if this happens. I hate to be so harsh but this is my job and for peets sake we are buying a house. This really couldn't have been a worse time because going back to work when my kid's are on summer break means daycare for me which most of you know would be not worth it!! I do have one job I would like to check on that would be perfect but we'll see. I have thought that I could hire my step mom's niece for the summer and then switch to daycare when school starts. This way the summer wouldn't break me!! I will be checking on this job probably while I am gone so we'll see and will keep you posted. The nice thing about daycare next year is it will be mostly just Janaya part time as I will have 3 in school full time...isn't that crazy! So now you know what kind of day I had and if you know me I over worry and take it up a notch so I make myself more stressed but that way I get things done and in order!
Well I probably won't post again unless something major comes up as we leave tomorrow! Have a good weekend all and I will blog at you when I get home!!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Paper bag Anyone?
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:28 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Busy Weekend
Wow we have had a busy weekend! On Friday I headed to Brooking's for the groceries once again! Saturday we spent alot of time outside with the kids after meeting with the realtor (see previous posts on that). We hung out with Jill and Andy and it was a good day. Sunday we played outside forever I think and then went over to my mom's so the boys could practice casting with their new poles before the camping trip! That evening we took the kids and Lydia to see Shrek 3 and that was a very good time! Monday we set the new tent up so that we had some idea of what we were doing when we got to the camp ground!! Then we headed to Grandma's again for a grill out as both my sister's were in town so that was a real good time!
We spent so much time running that I have tons of laundry to do to be ready to leave Thursday am! I also FORGOT Jordon has an appt with Dr. Blake today and I don't know how I am gonna pull that off now...I am such a scatter brain now!! I only have 3 kids for daycare today and usually they leave early T & TH so hopefully they will today too, but that means I would still have to take all 4 of mine with me...UUGGH!! I am so upset with my self for this!! I have been so worried about looking at houses and getting ready for this trip I totally spaced it off...not good!! I almost think I should just reschedule but it is so hard to guarantee a visit in the near future as he is so overloaded to begin with!!
Jeff is working on lining up another house for us so we should hear back on that today as well! I swear there is too much going on all at one time!! I need at least another one of me for the next few day's!! I guess I better get ready for working my arse off so I will post later on updates!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:08 AM 3 comments
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Not This Time
I guess this is not the house for us. Jeff called last night and 2 of the other offer's were higher then ours and so it looks like this will not be the house for us. He did tell us he has another house coming out this week that is a good one too! It's kindof upsettting but nothing we can do about it so we'll just move on! Maybe next time will work out!
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:05 AM 4 comments
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Offer Made!
This morning at 11am we met with our realtor Jeff and made a formal written offer on the house. There were 2 other offers going in at the same time as ours so hopefully ours is a good one! We should know by 10P tonight so all day I will be sitting on the phone! I will post again when I hear!
Posted by the boedecker family at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 24, 2007
2nd Viewing!
Tonight we looked at the house on Center for the 2nd time and still both like it just the same! We looked really close this time and spent a good amount of time there again looking over everything to the best of our ability! After some discussion with the realtor and our my parents we are thinking we will probably make an offer very soon! Right now we just have to decide how much and our reasoning for that offer! There are just a few things that will need to be done to the garage for sure so we need to take that into consideration!
Today has been very stressful for me the kid's and daycare kid's have been just loud, whiny and full of it! I am not sure what the difference is this week but next week is some vacation time so that will be nice! Tomorrow is the last day of school so the kids are super excited for that...me too!! Not much else to blog about now so I'll wish you a good one and blog at ya later!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 8:50 PM 4 comments
A Good House!!
Last night we looked at a house at 815 W. Center and fianlly found something that is very ok! Even Brit liked it ....YAY! He was standing in the front yard looking at the house and he said "Boy I really can't think of anything wrong with this one". I was so relieved because I really liked this one and was just waiting for him to start in on it!! LOL! The house came out yesterday am and was shown 6 times already yesterday!! Jeff said that he doesn't like to sell a house without showing it twice to a person so he said let's look at it again tomorrow night at 6P. So we are gonna look at it again tonight,lol! This could be the one everyone!! I will keep you posted on our decision and progress!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:37 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
1. Was your fourth pregnancy planned? yes
2. Were you married at the time? yes
3. What were your reactions? I was happy and excited
4. Was abortion an option for you? NEVER
5. How old were you?24
6. How did you find out you were pregnant?Took a home pregnancy test.
7. Who did you tell first? My husband
8. Did you want to find out the sex? yes
9. Due date? April 7th
10. Did you have morning sickness?for 7 1/2 months...MAJOR
11. What did you crave? big mac's
12. Who/What irritated you most? I was made nautious by the smell of raw meat, and the smell of cigertte smoke
13. What was your child's sex?female
14. Did you wish you had the opposite sex of what you had? no
15. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? 40
16. Did you have a baby shower? no
17. Was it a surprise or did you know? NA
18. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? I sufferd from severe migraines through the whole pregnancy, had a tear in the placenta at 5 months, was severely sick for along time
19. Where did you give birth? Madison Community Hospital
20. How many hours were you in labor?0 hours
21. Who drove you to the hospital? my husband
22. Who watched you give birth? my husband
23. Was it natural or c-section? c-section
24. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? YES
25. How much did your child weigh? 7bs12 1/2 oz
26. When was your child actually born? 8:04 a March 24th 2004
27. What did you name him/her? Janaya Marie
28. How old is yourfourth born today?3 years
On to number ...oops sorry no more!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 1:39 PM 5 comments
# 3
Here is my pregnancy about the 3rd...
1. Was your third pregnancy planned? yes
2. Were you married at the time? No
3. What were your reactions? I was happy
4. Was abortion an option for you? NEVER
5. How old were you?21
6. How did you find out you were pregnant?Took a home pregnancy test.
7. Who did you tell first? My boyfriend
8. Did you want to find out the sex? yes
9. Due date? sept 21
10. Did you have morning sickness?for the first 2months...milder
11. What did you crave? Chicken, and coke
12. Who/What irritated you most? I was made nautious by the smell of raw meat, and the smell of cigertte smoke
13. What was your child's sex?male
14. Did you wish you had the opposite sex of what you had? yes
15. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? 24
16. Did you have a baby shower? yes
17. Was it a surprise or did you know? I knew
18. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? at end of pregnancy babies heart rate started to slow and less movement
19. Where did you give birth? Madison Community Hospital
20. How many hours were you in labor?10 hours
21. Who drove you to the hospital? my boyfriend
22. Who watched you give birth? my boyfriend
23. Was it natural or c-section? c-section
24. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? YES
25. How much did your child weigh? 8lbs 6 1/2 oz
26. When was your child actually born? 10:28 p Sept 21st 2001
27. What did you name him/her? Jackson Reginald James
28. How old is your third born today?5 years
On to number 4...
Posted by the boedecker family at 1:32 PM 2 comments
Pregnancy Post #2 per Jennie's request
Per request I will post on all 4 of my pregnancies!! Here is number 2!
1. Was your second pregnancy planned? no
2. Were you married at the time? No
3. What were your reactions? I was happy
4. Was abortion an option for you? NEVER
5. How old were you?19
6. How did you find out you were pregnant? I had been sick and having abdominal pain so I went to the doctor and found that out
7. Who did you tell first? My best friend
8. Did you want to find out the sex? yes
9. Due date? sept 12
10. Did you have morning sickness?for the first 2months...milder
11. What did you crave? Taco John's,pickles, coke
12. Who/What irritated you most? I was made nautious by the smell of raw meat, and the smell of cigertte smoke
13. What was your child's sex?male
14. Did you wish you had the opposite sex of what you had? no
15. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? 18
16. Did you have a baby shower? no
17. Was it a surprise or did you know? NA
18. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? no
19. Where did you give birth? Madison Community Hospital
20. How many hours were you in labor?34 hours
21. Who drove you to the hospital? my mom
22. Who watched you give birth? my mom
23. Was it natural or c-section? natural
24. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? YES
25. How much did your child weigh? 7lbs 9 oz
26. When was your child actually born? 2:14p Sept 11, 1999
27. What did you name him/her? Jordon Micheal
28. How old is your second born today? 7 years
On to number 3...
Posted by the boedecker family at 1:13 PM 2 comments
House viewing
WOW did I mention it's early in the morning!! I am just sitting waiting for the rest of the daycare kid's to get here so I thought I'd do my post now! We looked at 2 houses on Monday night and the first is something you should just turn and run from immediately!! The 2nd one was a little better but needs a few things, but nothing too major. I of coarse liked it and Brit of coarse did not. He is really frustrating because this twice now I have liked a house and he is dead set against it! He is looking for the perfect house like the one we wanted that we couldnt get. He is too picky and I don't know what I am gonna do about it! I guess we will let this one go too and hope another one come's along!
Not much else going on only two more day's of school left!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 6:01 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Pregnancy Post
I saw this on Lori B's blog and thought I would share my first pregnancy with you all. As most of you know my first baby was very early in life so some of this may shock you!
1. Was your first pregnancy planned? no
2. Were you married at the time? No
3. What were your reactions? I was scared and afraid but yet had this overwhelming sense of happiness
4. Was abortion an option for you? NEVER
5. How old were you?16
6. How did you find out you were pregnant? I was in the counselor's office at school telling her of my thought's and she took me to the county health nurse for the test.
7. Who did you tell first? Well the counselor as she was there...then my mom
8. Did you want to find out the sex? yes
9. Due date? June 20th
10. Did you have morning sickness?OMG yes...for 5 1/2 months
11. What did you crave? Taco John's potato ole bravos
12. Who/What irritated you most? I was made nautious by the smell of raw meat.
13. What was your child's sex? female
14. Did you wish you had the opposite sex of what you had? no
15. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? 42
16. Did you have a baby shower? no
17. Was it a surprise or did you know? NA
18. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Just the major sickness.
19. Where did you give birth? Madison Community Hospital
20. How many hours were you in labor? 12 hours
21. Who drove you to the hospital? my mom
22. Who watched you give birth? my mom
23. Was it natural or c-section? natural
24. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? YES
25. How much did your child weigh? 7lbs 4 1/2 oz
26. When was your child actually born? 8:18p June 30th 1997
27. What did you name him/her? Julia Ranae
28. How old is your first born today? she will be 10 next month
Please feel free to share your 1st pregnancy if you would like.
Posted by the boedecker family at 4:50 PM 4 comments
Monday, May 21, 2007
So after a long beautiful weeknd here we are again!! I told Britton last night that since I didn't do any laundry this weekend he should make sure I am up and heading to the shower when he leaves for work so I can get a early start with having 8 kid's here today I should be prepared! Well wouldn't you know he got me up at 4:45 cuz he was leaving...OMG YUK! I am so not a morning person. At first I pondered just ignoring him and saying I forgot but I being the AWESOME wife I am drug myself up and headed to the shower! So here I sit at 9:52 and the laundry is almost done...2 loads left...YAY!! Then the only other housework left is the vacumming which I try to wait as long as I can on because as soon as I do it they find something crumby to spill!! LOL.
We saw another house on the list so we are looking at that tonight so hopefully it's at least closer to what we need. I know it's big enough and the location is great we just have to see the inside and all the other important features now!
So remember how I said I got that computer but that it needed to be reprogramed and that I messed it up a bit....lol! Well even after I got the disc's I am not having good luck. The screen is messed up and for the life of me I can't get it working so that I can redo it! If anyone out there is a computer wiz or even know what they are doing and want to take a crack at it let me know!!! LOL!
I guess not much else is going on today. This is the last week of school and Julia reminded me this am that it is the last Monday of the year!! COOL!! Let Summer begin!! Have a great day!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:50 AM 4 comments
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Family Time!
Today was a great day! First we played outside while Brit mowed the lawn. Then the kid's and I decided we should plant the flower's Grandma gave us. I had so much fun sitting out in the yard showing my kid's how to plant flower's and letting them help me. We got dirty and it was great!! LOL. After that we cleaned up and went and bought some hanging plants and a new Shepard Hook to add a 3rd plant! They had a great time helping me pick out some real pretty color's!
After we got the yard looking good we decided to go out to the lake and hang out! Brit taught the boy's how to skip rock's and both boy's actually were able to get 2 skips a few times! Janaya was another story getting rock's a little bit of everywhere...lol! We also took Rosco with us this time as we hadn't yet and weren't too sure how he'd do. We should have taken him long ago he ran right up to the water walked in sat down and then layed down and it was hilarious! He would drink and lay there just loving it! So now we know that if we go Rosco goes too!
When we got back into town we grabbed some food and then icecream from the DQ! If you haven't had the Waffle Bowl Sundae you must do so...OMG YUMMY!! After we ate we headed over to Grandma and Papa's for some visiting and the kid's loved it! It was a great day all in all and I truely enjoyed spending such quality time with my kid's and hubby!
Hope everyone else is having a good weekend too!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:59 PM 5 comments
Friday, May 18, 2007
Happy Friday!
This is my favorite day of the week I must say!! Tonight Brit and I are going out for supper with my Dad and Lesli so I am looking forward to that! It is always hard to find a sitter but I got lucky this time so that is good! I believe we are heading to Brooking's Walmart first then over to Flandreau for supper!
Today Julia is going to Pipestone for a field trip at school and she is very excited for that. After school she is going home with a friend and they will be going to see the new Shrek movie tonight! Jordon is anxiously waiting for school to be done, I am not sure what he is expecting next but I guess we'll find out...lol! Jackson had his first day home with no school yesterday and was thrilled although he thought he was going to Kindergarten now! I am having a hard time getting him to understand when Fall is so we'll keep working on this!
I think we will have a quiet weekend, or I should say I am hoping. This has been a long week full of busy kid's and I need some down time! I hope for some nice weather so we can maybe spend sometime at the lake! It is free fishing weekend so I'd like to try to do that as the boy's love it!! Well the kid's are done eating so I best get out there and clean up! Have a Great Day!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 8:17 AM 3 comments
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Better mood....
Well after the police officer left the lot manger called me herself and I didn't really give her a chance to speak. I told her I would do my best to catch my "dam" dog and really if I leave to much to do that the kid's will be alone here. Then I said "And why in the world would you call the police and say I left kid's here alone, just because my van is here doesn't mean a dam thing" She said "well people are complaining so what am I supposed to do?" I said "Well not that for dam sure" She then proceeded to tell me that the neighbor's watched the cop's bang on my door and the kid's all talking through the window and nobody answering. I said "Well you know that isn't true because you drove by when I was out there with him" and " that didn't happen because I heard him talking and opened the door before he even knocked" She then started stuttering and got frazzled. So I think I made my point clear. I told her I'd catch him if I could and she said she would but she's scared of him. I said "He's laying in my yard and won't do anything to you". Really I tell ya she is nut's. I feel sorry for Kerrie having to hear her all the times she called.
Anyway my dog came in on his own before noon shivering like a baby!! I called to let the dog catcher know so he didn't have to come back over. Hopefully this will calm down now and she will think twice before messing with me again, probably not but I can hope right!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 3:53 PM 2 comments
I'm Gonna Vent!!
Ok here goes, last night Brit left the gate open when he was hauling garbage and Rosco got out. It has been 2 months since this happend last. We tried till midnight to catch him and then had to go to bed. I got up at 3 am and looked again but he was hiding. Brit stayed home from work till 6:30a trying to get him in. This dog is impossible to catch. I have tried 3 times this am also. Well just a little bit ago a police officer comes to my door because the lot manager called and complained of the dog being out and that there are all these children at my house being unattended too!! You have got to be kidding me right...HELLO I'm here!! The officer was Rob Haug a long time friend so we laughed about that and he said that is what him and Kerrie the dispatcher thought but he had to stop and sure enough she drove by while he was here. Just because my van is not in my driveway does not mean noone is here for pete's sake!! Every Spring I have the same problem's with this lady and usually she calls me first before calling the police, I guess this year she is just gonna be a nasty well something or other!! I don't let the kid's play outside at all by them selves unless it's evening and it's my kid's or older daycare kid's in the evening . She her self and been by and seen me out there with them and she smiles and waves. So what the heck is the problem. I can not wait to get the hell out of here. If we could find a house that was decent enough in our price range this would all be over. I am so angry this morning I just wanna call her and let her have it. But knowing that will not solve it I will just sit here and vent. Any suggestion's or if anyone know's of a house BIG enough let me know!!! Anyway sorry to be so grouchy on here but I have noone here to talk to but kid's and they don't need to hear it...lol!! Have a Great Day for me!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 10:36 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I love Shopping
Last night we went and got our new dining room table...FINALLY and YAY!! I have been waiting and wanting this so bad as my old table is OLD and a total disgrace I swear!! While we were there we picked out a new tent and air matresses for that as well. We have a cmping trip planned for the last weekend in May so I am glad this is taken care of. We had a tent before but last summer Brit's mom and 3 sister's were here and stayed in it out in the yard. Well the 2nd or 3rd night they were here a big storm came through and totally destroyed the tent and gave them the scare of their lives. Luckily they all got out and in the house with no injuries as well. So we had to get a new one!! I didn't realize tent's were that expensive...we might as well look for a camper!! I think we would if we camped more but you see camping is just not so much my thing...to many bug's well spider's and tick's that I can't deal with! It is fun and the kid's love it so I give it my best when we go...lol!
I think the kid's need summer break they are all just full of energy and not listening so well. Jackson will be done with pre-school on Wed and he is ready for his move to Kindergarten!! The other 2 have this week and next week before they are done. They are doing lot's of activities right now. Speaking of Julia has a swimming party today and she called me to let me know she forgot her suit and towel and can I bring it to her before they go?!! Umm this should prove fun as I have 7 kid's here right now. I am hoping that I can run real quick when 2 of them leave early...the prob is they leave at like 12:45 and Julia's class is leaving at 1:15 for the Community Center! I tried to call good ole Grandma but she is working! I am stressing about this but hopefully I will make it there! I do think she need's to work on her organization skills and remembering what she need's and when. If I really wanted to teach her I would not make it there and she would just have to watch but if you know me I don't have the heart and will somehow save her once again!
Not sure what the rest of the week hold's other than kid's! I am planning to get out with Brit and my Dad and his wife on Saturday evening but that is a way's off yet. But hey I can start dreaming can't I? Well have a good day...will blog at ya later!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 10:07 AM 3 comments
Sunday, May 13, 2007
I finally got figured out how to get music on my blog! Oh what fun this blogging has turned out to be and perhaps a bit theraputic! Enjoy listening to some of my favorite song's as you read!! Have a Great Day!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 1:22 PM 3 comments
Happy Mother's Day!
To my friend's and fellow mother's...Kari, Tracy, Jennie, Lori, Kerrie, Jamie, I wish you all a very happy Mother's Day!! Children are a true blessing from above and fill our heart's with love!!
This weekend has been busy but relaxing too. I had my nephew and niece last night for an overnighter along with my friend's daughter and Julia's friend for a BIG slumber party last night. I went shopping with Jill in Sioux Fall's yesterday with none of my kid's or my husband, talk about easy!! I got myself a Mother's Day present(a new outfit) as well. Today we went to the lake for awhile early in the day and then lounged for a bit. After supper we went back to the lake after a drive! Tonight we just hung out as mom got a headache. I am thinking I spent too much time in the sun today. Tomorrow I will spend my am cleaning and then hopefully be able to grill out and spend some more time with the family!! Have a good one!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 12:01 AM 5 comments
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Thursday Already?
Well I would be lieing if I said nothing was going on as I have been busy the last few day's. Tuesday was just a rough emotional day that I am just gonna leave at that!! Yesterday I took my dad to SF to have his other carpul tunnnel surgery done. After that I came home and relived my mom from daycare...THANK YOU MOM for helping me again!! I decided after the kid's got home from school I should mow the jungle out there so they could play and I wouldn't have to wait for him to get time. Let me just say that is a man's job...end of story!!! We got a call from the people about the house we are interested in and got a price, so now it's up to the bank if we get it or not...cross your finger's!! So after looking at the house again and visiting with them we came home. My dad took me yesterday when we got back to town to pick up my Zoloft so I took it yesterday and today. I gave in because I was getting that dizzy lightheadedness feeling again. So I am on it and gonna stay on it!!
Tonight Jordon has a musical at the school so that should be fun!! He isn't real excited about it but I suppose that comes with being a boy!! I am hoping to just relax someday soon! Tomorrow is another busy day for sure...grocery shopping..YAY!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 1:15 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Down in the dumps...again...
Remember awhile back when I was so sick and they got me started on some med's one of them being Zoloft. Well ever since I started it I have been feeling pretty good and finally got back into a good sleeping pattern. I have always hated having to admit I have a depression problem because to me it mean's I am not happy in my life and I really am. I was told that most of it is probably hereditary and that I don't have to really have a reason to be this way I just am...so ok I accept it. Well I ran out of my Zoloft a few day's ago and thought I'd be ok till Friday when I get paid and have time to run errand's. You see during business hours I cant really go anywhere with all these kid's. Needless to say today I am starting to feel it...UUGGHH! I am tired (no I am not sleepign well) moody, feel like crying and just plain have this sad feeling for NO REASON AT ALL!! I hate the thought of having to take this medicine forever...but I know I have to as I can not live like this!! It also make's it really hard to be a good mom, wife and to do my job when I feel like this. I am thinking I will have to give in long before Friday or it will just get worse everyday. I just feel like something has to be wrong with me to not be able to overcome this on my own.
Well I guess that is all for now...not much else going on here right now. The kid's are busy with end of year school stuff...it seems 3rd grade saves all there big projects for the end of the year!! They are doing fieldtrip's too. Just a few more week's then it's summer break!! I have been really busy with lot's of little one's running allover the house!! Have a good one!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 12:09 PM 4 comments
Monday, May 07, 2007
Git-R- Done!!
Tonight was Larry the Cable Guy!! If you remember we bought these ticket's in Feb for Valentine's Day gifts to eachother!! Well after a long wait it was here!! Yes I am still up laughing about it...he was GREAT!! I did get some picture's they just are not as good as I wanted them to be. We had great seat's you could see him perfectly and he looks just like he does on TV...LOL!! It was a great time and so worth it...so here are the pic's I got!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 12:03 AM 4 comments
Friday, May 04, 2007
Here are the interview question's given to me by Erin...I will do my best to answer them!! I have to answer 5 of the 6 so here goes...
1.) If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be?
If I could have dinner with someone I think it would be my new little friend Sammy. He is a little person with Pitutitary Dwarfism and he lives in London. I met him on Yahoo and he is the neatest person I have met in along time. He long's for friend's and can't seem to get enough of my company! He is 2' 10" tall and weigh's 25 pound's. He is 20 year's old and has had a tough time of making friend's...to be able to meet him face to face would be amazing!!
2.) What is your least favorite household duty? Why?
First of all I have 2 job's in the house I don't like...the first being cleaning the bathroom's. To me this is absolutely discusting and I can't bring myself to do it unless I "have" to. Brit does it for me...bless him! The 2nd is laundry just because there is so much of it!
3.) What was your first job? What did you like/dislike about it?
My first job was a waitress at the F&M Cafe here in Madison. I liked getting tip's as I got to take money home everyday. I disliked rude or ungrateful customer's. Even if you were extra nice and stayed that way despite their behavior they wouldn't change.
4.) Who/What do you find inspirational? Why?
I find my mom inspirational. She has alway's been there for me no matter what I did or said or the path's I chose. She is my best friend and alway's know's what to say or how to make me feel better. If I can become half the women she is or even close to the mother she is I will be happy.
5.) What are your pet peeves (please describe)?
I hate it when anyone lie's to me or even just knowing someone is lieing to anyone. If you can't tell the truth just don't speak!! I obviously hate "dirty" bathroom's!! I don't like whining either.
6.) What TV/Cartoon character best fits your personality? Describe how you are alike?
Well I have alway's said that I am just like Roseanne Barr from Roseanne. I am the head of my house...alway's think I am right...alway's trying to give advice even if I shouldn't. Some people say I can be scarry if crossed...but I don't believe that...lol. I am humerous and alway's have a wisecrack or comment to make. On the other hand I do most of the thing's around the house and with the kid's. Brit is not like Dan though...thank goodness!!
Well I hope that answer's the question's and you learned something new about me. If anyone is interested in an interveiw let me know and I will ask you some question's.
Posted by the boedecker family at 11:37 AM 5 comments
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Some Pic's
These were taken at Chuckie Cheese when we did her b-day! She would not go near Chuckie with out Brit or I so daddy posed!! And the other is on a riding toy she rode about 10 time's!! LOL
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:51 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
House Hunting....
Awhile ago I read on Jamie's blog about how not so great the houses were she looked at. I couldn't agree more after last night's veiwing! Out of the 3 we saw only 1 is an option and it is kindof small, overpriced and Brit want's a basement! Jeff said he thinks for sure there will be some new listing's very soon and will call us when they do. In the meantime we will ponder the one house and watch for other's available. We are really being picky as this is such a big commitment and very long term. If any of you know me I have a tendency to live somewhere for a year or so and then I can't stand it and have to move. Well I have been put for 3 year's here and am ready to go so I am trying to be patient. There are other factors involved with needing to leave here but patient's has never really been a virtue of mine...lol.
I am also frustrated with this mold allergy, it has been about a month since I finished that last antibiotic and guess what...I am stuffing again and still coughing alot. This morning I had blood when I blew my nose (sorry for the detail) and that really makes me nervous as it hasn't happened before. I don't know what to do but keep up with the Claratin and hope for something to come along soon.
I talked with someone today who might be interested in our mobile home under the stip that we help with the bathroom "cleanup" so that is a good deal too. It's not for sure but nice to know. Well I guess I don't have much else to say right now...a quiet afternoon as some of my daycare kid's went home early today so I was able to go run some errand's and now can relax for about 30 mins before the kid's get home from school. Have a great day!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 2:33 PM 3 comments