Thursday, March 29, 2007


Well this morning is quickly turning not so nice!! Did I mention I am TERRIFIED of spider's? I found a big ugly one in the kitchen sink the other morning and almost called 911 (sorry Kerrie I know it's not for that) . That same day I found one crawling on poor Janaya after being outside and now I just had to wrestle one off the ceiling. I am just beside myself with paranoia now!! I have often thought about hypnotism to help me with this but then again the thought of not being scared and letting them touch me it WORSE!! I feel like I am in a prison being tortured at the thought another one is gonna come out and get me!! EEEEWWWWW!!

The other thing bad is the guy coming to do the computer got a call to go out of state to North Dakota for I have to wait longer!!! WWAAAAAAAAAA!! LOL


Kerrie said...

You wouldn't believe what people call 911 for. Someone called the other day to see what time it was in Pierre!

Lori said...

I don't like spiders either.

Kari said...

I know all about your spider phobia. Just be glad they aren't TICKS! ~LOL~

The cake is for Danny's mom's 47th birthday... I have a couple ideas. I might try to call you tonight.

Kari said...

Kerrie- You should have told Tracy she could have just called her mom! LOL

Tracy said...


"I" wasn't the one that called 911 to ask what time it was in Pierre. Um, I know the answer! (giggle)

Kari said...

Of course I was just teasing you! I knew you could take it! I glad you thought it was funny! LOL