Saturday, March 03, 2007


I guess we have made this a weekend for some much needed cleanig around here. And when I'm done I get to go to my dad's and do my job there (cleaning). There isn't much else to do with all the new snow. I am hoping we can get to Sioux Falls tomorrow for groceries and Julia's bowling tournament. This is the one that scholarship money comes from!!! Her godfather lives in Sioux Falls and is gonna come watch so that is exciting for her too! I can't believe how much cleaning was needed when it seems like all I do is!

I am so excited about the mic i got for my computer, welcome to the 21st cetury Barb!!! I can talk to a friend of mine from Maine with out running up the phone bill!! We play poker together and chat it is a fun time fill when I have nothing better to do, or want to do what I!

I took some pic's of our snow in the yard and the HUGE pile the plow left for us. The kids went crazy when they saw it there and immediately wanted to go out and climb it. I need to take pic's of them outside yet too. But here is my snow....the first one is the new "hill" to climb, the 2nd is the pile and drift in front of our home, and the 3rd is looking across the street at the drifts and piles!! Lovely isn't it...SPRING HURRY PLEASE!!


Kari said...

Wow, I bet the kids will go crazy on that hill. At least it gives them something to do.

Tracy said...

I remember the days of climbing the hills the plows left! They should come to our "neck of the woods" where all the DRIFTS stuff!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to see you guys! The snow looks beautiful. I had some fun in the snow when I was shoveling too. Good times reverting back to childhood.