Tuesday, March 13, 2007


My Mr. Right...Britton
His age? 26
How tall is he? 6' 5"
How long did you know each other before you got together? New each other for 9 months
What physical features attracted you to him first? His looks and build!
What color are his eyes? Hazel
His hair color? Brown
Hair style? Cut short...most of the time.
What does he whering? M-F jeans and work shirt, all other time shorts and t-shirt
How did you meet him? Met him at Thanksgiving through my sister Courtney...TYVM!
How serious is it? Been married for 3 years!
Are you "in love"? Most definately...get's better everyday.
Do your parents like him? Yes...they love him
Do his parents like you? least I think so...haha!
Do you trust him? Yes
Would you share a toothbrush with him? Only if I had to!
Would he let you wear his pants? Yes
Do you have a shirt of his that you sleep in? Sometime's
DO you like the way he smells? smell ever!
Can you picture having kids with him? I sure hope so...already have...
What bothers you the most about him? That he doesn't remember stuff well.
Does he have a temper? Ummm..sorry dear...YES!
Are you happy to be with him? Very much so.
Does he embarrass you in public? Sometimes...only if the kid's are with us...hehehe
!Does he smoke or do drugs? Trying to quit smoking.
Does he have any piercings? His ears were and now closed.
Any tattoos? No
Does he have any scars that you know of? None that I can think of
Is he a party dude or stay at home? He is home almost all the time...but is a ball when he gets
Is he outgoing or shy? Outgoing
Does he love his mama? Yes he does...they are alot alike!
Would he hang out with you and your friends? Yes
So tell me about YOUR MR. Right!


Kari said...

I'm so happy that you found your Mr. Right. I remember that you kissed a few toads before you found your prince charming! I really am happy that you have found someone to be so happy with.