This is how "most" of my day's go...
6:00am- get up and shower (sometime's I am not up that early)
6:30-Daycare kid's get here (depends on the day of how many)
7:00-get my kid's up,dressed, and fed
8:00- take kid's to school, come home and feed kid's who dont go to school
9:00 set kids up with Nick Jr. and clean up...shower quickly if I didnt earlier( OOOPS)
9:30-11:00- activities with kid's housework...diaper changing, important phone calls and etc needed for house
11:00-12:00 feed lunch to kid's, send Jackson off on bus, lay kid's down for nap
12:00-2:30- kid's nap I fold laundry, watch my soaps, e-mail & blog if I can
2:45-3:20 pick kid's up from school, get mail and any errands needed
3:20-4:30 give kid's snack, set them up with an activity (outside if nice)look at kid's school paper's, homework if needed
4:30-5:00 clean up toys get stuff ready to go home(t-th I have a boy from 5-10:30)
5:00-6:30 make supper, kid's go home, eat,clean up
6:30 7:30 relax with Brit and kid's (i have 3 kids that I watch on overnights and if it is one of those days they get here at 6)
7:30-8:30 bathe kids, snack, read a book, play a game bed time is 8:30 sharp
8:30 10:00 Play poker on computer, brit plays the Ps2, (visiting in between) talk to friend's , hot bubble bath (wish it was everynight) take meds and hope I can go to sleep before midnight
The next day it starts all over and I cant wait to blog so I feel like I am actually talking to an adult. I guess I didn't mention that I am a stay at home mom who does Daycare. I have 4 kid's of my own and 7 I do daycare for.
My Confession:
There are so many I should confess but here goes.... When I was bout 8 or 9 my little brother Kenny and I had taken my sister Amanda across the street to this big dog kennel and HUGE dog house where we loved to play in with this huge fluffy white dog. We would crawl up on too of it and peek through the top at each other and it was so! Well this particular day we told Amanda that the "dog dropping's" were candy bar's and she could eat one!! She really debated and argued but finally gave in and ate one. To her surprise it was not "good" candy and she ran home and told our mother!!! Yes I did get in trouble...more than Kenny did which I guess I deserved but still don't think is! I know this is horrible...sorry Amanda.
So any other taker's on the confessions??
You are HORRIBLE! Did you actually admit doing that to your poor sister??!? HA!
Your days sounds like mine except you don't get a BREAK! Who in the world works overnights that you have to take care of their kids??
PROPS to you...
I babysit for a nurse from the hospital and she works weekend's and overnights!! I basically have a 24/7 daycare now!! Somedays aren't so bad other's I fell like I don't stop till I hit the bed!!
Oh my! That's terrible. You've never told me that... I was thinking of a couple other confessions that you'd told me, but this one is worse! LOL
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