Thursday, March 01, 2007

Snow Day

The kid's are home today as the weather outside is not very nice! So it gets quite crowded and exciting with them and daycare kid's here all day long! I just heard they already called school off for tomorrow also so now they are so excited to have a really long weekend. I was hoping and needing to get to walmart tomorrow and I am not sure that is gonna happen either!! Brit even came home early today so at least I had someone to keep me sane. Not sure if they will get there in the am all depend's on what it does and how hwy 34 is in the am. I do like the cozy warm feeling of just staying in and snuggling all!

Not much else went on this week, everyone seems to be feeling much better. Brit and I are noticing a difference from the medicine so that is nice. Janaya's cough has much improved so I am staying posative that this is moving it's way out. Well the kids are starting in on the LR again so I best go


Tracy said...

WOW! What weather we are having! I have a whopping 1 child today for daycare. With all the closings...everyone else gets to stay home! KEEP WARM!

Kari said...

I hope you don't try to get to Wal-mart today. It still looks pretty bad over here. It's snowing again, and the wind is really blowing. I bet out in the country is really bad!

I also hope that the kids don't drive you and each other crazy. It's hard to be stuck inside for several days together.

Do you have all of your babysitting kids today?

the boedecker family said...

i had a house full of 7 today with myown!! Kept me busy all day till they left at 7:30PM!!