Monday, January 01, 2007

She's so SWEET!

Happy New Year to everyone! It's been a nice weekend so far! Relaxing as compared to christmas!! We struggled all week to find a sitter for our bowling last night and had no luck! So we cancelled our 6pm slot and I had an idea for later????!! We stayed signed up for the 10 p slot though. We put the 3 younger kids down just after 8 pm and when it was time for us to leave at 930 they were sound asleep. So then what did we do?? Julia is 9 1/2 years old and very mature for her age so I thought that if we left her a list of about a million numbers to incase she needed, then they would be fine!! I instructed her not to answer the phone and only to open the door to us it should stay locked! And she followed every instruction to the tee, I even had a secret knock that she remember even though she fell asleep!! She did very well and we were only gone 2 hours. I am so proud of her!! She asked me earlier in the evening if she would get paid like other babysitters do? So I said yes and paid her when I got home!! She then went to bed and all was well, I can't lie though I was scared "shittless" all night long!! Definately not something I can handle doing all that often!!
Today she thought she'd try to get more money by doing laundry. She was so innocent just doing it without saying a word. After about an hour or so I told her to stop that it was my job and she said "oh I am ok I am just bored" I laughed and let her keep going!! She did a total of 3 loads and then I walked up to her and handed her some cash, she said " whats this for?" lol I told her why and she said "thank you" she is so sweet I just love having her!! I am sure I will need to remember this in a few years when she is a teenager but for now she's just the sweetest thing!!

Today was just a LAZY day for us. Tonight Jackson and Julia stayed up to watch the ball fall and countdown the New YEar, they seemed to like it! Julia just had to prove she could stay up!! LOL. So with that I will end....Happy New Year!