Saturday, January 06, 2007

A fun Sat afternoon!

Janaya loves the movie Charlotte's Web, she has the cartoon version, and has seen the preveiws of the new movie on TV! I have been wanting to take her to see it so I thought a nice mattinee would be fun, and of coarse it was not here anymore. I then got online and found that it's still in Siouxfalls and since we had nothing better to do we drove down and they got to see it. It was really good except it doesn't have the music that hers does, it actually lacked music!! She liked it but needed to go to the bathroom twice. The 2nd time I told her if she would just sit and watch "Wilbur" she would get to go to BK when we were done, that did the trick!! The funny part was as soon as the baby spiders started to fly off she grabbed her coat and said "we go to burger king now mommy" I laughed outloud!! I quickly told her to 'shhh' as I hadn't asked Daddy! But of coarse she asked for me as soon as we got out side and he can't say no to her very often!

When we got home I relaxed for about an hour then headed over for the cleaning job! I cleaned for 3 1/2 hours, all I have to say is it's a good thing i am gonna get paid!!!LOL! I hate cleaning really, so it's weird I would take a job like that! Well the nephew is gone for the night so I better hit the sack....have a ton of laundry to get up and do!


Kari said...

Cleaning for 3.5 hours doesn't sound very fun, but for $50 that would be worth it!

I'm glad you had a fun weekend. I did'll have to read my blog to find out about it.