So the water is running and he had to replace all the heat tape and foam tubes, and with all the other mumbo jumbo we just got charged $377 for this job!! he also thinks it could be coming from our water heater and said it might need to be replaced soon! I am in shock or something. Now Brit is checking the water heater...
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
This is good!!
The plumber got here at like 6:30. He put a nipko heater under the house and said he had to "run uptown and get something" and would be right back! So here it is 8:30 and Brit called him to see what was going on and to tell him the pipe is still froze! Our house it hot as hell though if that helps! Well in the background you can hear music and people talking...please tell me he's not at the bar???!!! I am not about to pay someone to sit at the bar...and then try to fix my house. But I suppose it's not his ass sitting with no water and 4 kids who haven't had a bath yet!! Will post again when something else good!
Posted by the boedecker family at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Well the pipe is broke and we are waiting for a plumber to get here from Brookings! He is finishing a job in Brookings then will be on his way he said!! The city is here to shut down the water to the trailer!! Yes I have a!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 3:52 PM 1 comments
Can things get any worse????
I am at my wits end and on the verge of tears!! We woke up again this am to FROZEN pipes!! Only this time to find that the pipe is broken!! The one thing you don't want to happen did!! Now what to do?? We are waiting to hear from a plumber that works on mobile home pipes!! At this point we are ready to give up and just pack up and leave this place!! I really hate to move in the winter but if I could right now I would!! Well Brit needs help will keep all updated!! I am asking for prayers for our luck to change...THANKS!
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:35 AM 2 comments
Monday, January 29, 2007
If I could BUY Luck!!
I often think that somewhere along the road I did something to cause bad! The last few days have had some ups and some not so ups!! Sunday night my Dad needed me to bowl for Les on their mixed league and I have subbed before so I was glad to do it, and I like to bowl with my dad!! When practice started I went up and when I went to throw my ball I stuck on the approach and fell hard, not only was I embarrassed but it really hurt my right knee and elbow! Everyone was sticking so they cleaned the approach. When I went to throw my next ball I learned that it was my shoe and stuck again this time I was so cautious that I stopped my self from falling! The good thing that night was I FINALLY got over that 160 hump and got a 163 so there is hope for me after!
Today has been kindof not so lucky. Cooper my nephew is really sick and I ended up having to have my sister come get him so now I have a few days off again!! It's nice to have quiet time with the way I have been feeling but not nice when payday! Then when Brit got home the front door broke (well the handle) we couldn't even open it. So he had to go get a new set and when he was installing it he broke a piece and had to go get another one...but finally it is fixed and we can use it again. It has to be like 30 below out when that happens so the living room is absolutely freezing now!!
I guess tomorrow is another day and I am hoping it's much better!! Jordon is not feeling to well and complaining of a sore throat so he is going to the clinic in the am to make sure it's not strep!! I thought you couldn't get that after your tonsils were out but I guess you can so we best make sure!! I always try to stay ahead of those things so I don't have 4 with the same problem!! I suppose that is all for now....
Posted by the boedecker family at 8:31 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Leave the Electronic choices to Brit!
You know how I said we got Julia a new DVD player!!? Well apparently I picked out the wrong one and it wouldn' t hook up to her TV! I was very nicely told "that is why he should pick them out" !! So we threw out our old one and hooked up on our TV! Which didn't please little Tudor!! So after I took her bowling I went out to Pamida and seriously looked over the boxes to make sure it was gonna work. The one I picked out said you needed this RF converter deal and so I searched till I found one! At this point I thought it had to work but then again I was nervous that I had no idea what I was doing and he was gonna be real! But when I got home and he checked it out I had done perfect and it works! He told Julia when he was hooking it up "that she is really spoiled and she best be thanking her mother" he very nicely explained that we didn't get stuff like that when we were young and her brother's don't have one either!! I have always had an issue with buying stuff for the girls like everytime I go to a store! And I have to ask why they like shopping!!!!? Well that is about all for now...
Posted by the boedecker family at 4:38 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 26, 2007
Fun Friday...
Happy Friday everyone!! I love Friday's...just always been my favorite day of the week whether it's payday or! We got our tax return back yesterday so we sat down and paid off most of our bill....always chipping away at! After that I thought it would be fun to take the kid's to Sioux Falls and go to Chuckie Cheese. Britton was a little hesitant but can't say no to! So we headed there without telling them what we were doing, talk about excitement when we pulled in! They played games ate pizza and played somemore. When we left I said I wanted to go to Walmart for a few things, he absolutely loves to take the kids in there!!! Anyway Julia needed a new DVD player for her room as her's broke and she is lost without it and they were on sale so we got one of those. I browsed through the scrapbook stuff and found some fun things to use! I enjoy sitting for hours and putting pages together, the kids love to see them in books with all the fun accents on them. It will be fun to have in the future too. Anyway back to Walmart, Britton got a new game for the PS2, yippee! I finally found the fish boarder I have been looking for for our bathroom and that will make that complete!! Also they had pillows at a good price so we picked up 4 of those for our bed!! I love shopping it so relaxes me, wish it could do the same for Brit, it actually does the opposite!! But a happy mommy makes for a happy!
We then headed to Sonic and got slushies for the ride home. It was a fun night and I wish we did it more often! With 4 kids it is a chore to take them anywhere but the look on their faces was so worth it!! Tonight we are the best parents in the world.
I was reading Tracy's blog earlier about pets and I thought of our cat Doboy...Julia named him when she got him so don't ask!! LOL! The best picture I have of him is in his favorite place to sleep, under the x-mas tree! He is such a good cat and not too bad with shedding!
Posted by the boedecker family at 10:40 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Message for Jennie
I used to read your blog but I get a message saying I need to get an I was wondering if I could get one? Barb
Posted by the boedecker family at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Who reads this?
I often wonder who reads our blog? I write on here about how things are going for family and friend's to keep them informed about how are lives are going. I wonder when I am talking to them if Iam repeating something they already know or if they don't read it! I know I think about the weirdest things....
Posted by the boedecker family at 12:13 PM 3 comments
Night Two!
Last night I had a problem falling asleep again! Once I got to sleep it was smooth sailing till 7:00 so that was nice. I did well bowling last night and had a fun time with the girls, I really needed that.
Today is a quiet day Ely is sick so they are not here. The other boy I watch was supposed to be here too but his mom is gonna work tonight instead so he will be here at 5 till Friday am!! I geuss a quiet day isn't so bad! Not much else to report...
Posted by the boedecker family at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Night one!!
You would think I was talking about one of the kids huh? No I am talking about myself! So last night I took the Zoloft and the Lunesta one hour before bedtime,so I took it at 9pm! By 9:30 I was so tired I could hardly stay awake and I had a babysitting kid here till 10:30! Brit did everything he could to keep me awake, it was really cute! I finally laid down about 10:45 and slept straight through till 6:30 when my sister woke me to let me know the boys were here! I then slept till 7:30 when I had to get the kids up! Talk about wonderfull!!!! I haven't slept that good in so long I hope this works! I feel better today still have adull constant headache but I can live with it I just have to becareful about what I do! Gonna go bowling tonight hopefully it will help to just be out! Sometimes the noise gets to me but we'll see!
Posted by the boedecker family at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Another disappointment!!
So I went to the doctor today really hoping for some kind of answer or at least that they would try to figure out what is causing this! Well that wasn't the case once again!! He said there really isn't any medicine left to try, that we haven't already tried! As if I didn't know that! So he put me back on Zoloft for depression and said that he has seen good results from it on other people! He also is starting me on Lunesta for my insomnia as it has proven before that no sleep is a trigger for my headaches! He said if it's still a problem in a MONTH call him back! Sounds great huh?! He also said something to me that has never been said so point blank, he said "I have had many patients that are an easy fix and I have had just a few that aren't. You are one of those, and I hate to say this but you might have to deal with it all your life and there may never be no anwsers!!" What am I supposed to say to that?? I have a friend who's mom has severe migraines that are just like this and cause the illness part as well and they said the same thing to her, there is nothing more we can do but try to stop the headache when it comes!! He referred to her when I was there today and said it is really sad that nothing works!! Yeah tell me about it!!
So when I got home I balled like mad to my mom and asked her what I am gonna do and how the hell can anyone live like that forever? I also said that seeing's how I have seen 2 in town docotrs and a neuro from Sioux Falls there really is no point in getting a 4th opinion is there? I don't even know where I would start or where to look for a good neuro? Well I geuss for now I will start these new meds and live with it the best I can....
Posted by the boedecker family at 12:47 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 18, 2007
So frustrated!!
I feel like it's been forever since I have posted on my blog...3 days is a longtime in my! I don't know if I have mentioned how I have been feeling the last month or so as I usually keep it about the kids! I have a history with migraines and have gotten quite used to living with them on a normal basis!! SAD, but true! Every time they get bad and my medicine is not working I go to the doctor she sends me to the neuro and they still can't figure it out and meds aren't working! So when I come in they get frustrated! With that in mind I try to just deal with it and not bother them,and save my hundreds of dollars to just hear the same things! Last time I went in the doc talked of taking my ovaries to see if it's from my hormones still? But then I would have to take hormones and there's no gaurantee they won't give me headaches as well! So why not keep my own instead of taking pills that would cause them right??!!
Well for the las month or more I have been dealing with headaches daily, most of which are tolerable for me. I have also had nausea,loss of appetite, increasing insomnia, dizziness and lots of preasure in my head from different activities! I have had a few bouts of this when standing up from sitting on the bed or chair, I almost fell over last weekend and caught myself on the wall?? To me this is not normal!! I also am having problems when I bend over for longer than a few seconds, and this is something I have to do, I have kids and many household things I do that require me to bend over!! When I get this preasure it hurts and I feel dizzy and faint! So as it seems to be getting worse not better I finally made an appt. The soonest I can get in is Tues, unless I want to see someone else! Well that I don't like because I like someone I trust and who is familiar with my case! Today is one of those days, I woke up with a headache and have been having these bouts. To make it worse I am trying to get my laundry done and every time I go in there and start bending over and up an down I just feel worse and now I am feeling naustious again!! I hope they can figure something out becuase this is not normal for me and is really affecting my life!!
It is hard to be a good and active mom when it's like this. I also tend to be short in temper and come off as rude to my family and friend's when they call or come over!! I think most of them are used to it but it doesn't make it right!! So if I have been rude or short with anyof you lately I appologize greatly!! I hope I get some answers next week and hope it's something we can fix!! I will post on that when it happens....
Posted by the boedecker family at 12:47 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Trying again and it's working!
I tried again to post and it let me do it this way so here are the pics of him working and he looks so cute, way to go Kari!!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 10:11 PM 0 comments
The weekend and some pics!
Hello I hope everyone had a good weekend! It was a nice weekend here on the Boedecker front! Friday night we just hung out and relaxed, it was very nice! Saturday we got our taxes done in the am and Julia had bowling. She did pretty good this weekend. She brought Megan (a friend from her team) home with her to play and she ended up spending the night! So we ordered pizza and got some movies, totally nice and relaxing again!! Sunday was a total lazy day I don't think we did anything, Julia cleaned her room, and I think that was about! I did bowl with my Dad tonight as Les hurt her back again. It was lots of fun to bowl with him, I enjoy spending time with him doing something he really enjoys!! Julia came along and Megan was there and so they hung out. She got her glasses on Friday afternoon so here's a picture of that.
She is very happy with her choice!!
I also thought I should post some pictures of Jordon "fixing" Kari's broken appliance's!! I posted a blog before christmas about an idea I had for Jordon using tools and taking things apart!! Kari thought it was great too and got right to work on it!! For x-mas she got him lots of things to "fix" and a set of tools to use on them!! He was so excited, it only took him 1/2 a day to completely take apart the whole box! I told Kari and she said it was cool and that she had more boxes of stuff so that was good!! I don't have much time to get more appliances I am geussing. The one's she brought this time are bigger and taking more time to "fix" so that is good!! LOL! So here are some pics of him working hard!! Or not!!! Blogger won't let me????
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 12, 2007
Running water is such a blessing!!
As of 1:45p we were up and running with water!! I tell you until it's taken from you, you dont realize how lucky we are to have such! Now we can move on with our weekend!! We both have our W-2's now so tomorrow we will go see what kindof damage we can't create with the! Hope all have a good's is sure looking up!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 2:32 PM 2 comments
Our Pipes are FROZEN!!
Brit woke up at 5am to find frozen water pipes!! This happened 2 years ago and was undone in like an hour with hot towels and boiling water! Well it is 9:30 and he has been at it since 5am!! I am starting to get worried, it would totally suck to have to get the plumbing redone!! Oh the joys of living in a mobile home! I have been wishing for a few months that we would have gotten a house instead, now I feel justified in my thinking. Well he's back with more water better start boiling! He's going over to my sisters house to get bucket's of water!
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:28 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
How fast can a day change?
Today was normal Wednesday this morning!! Julia had an eye appt at 1pm so I knew my afternoon would be a little off, but not change the hole day!! At the eye appt we found out that Julia needs reading glass (perscription) and is farsided (sp?). So we got those picked out and should have them in a week! She will need to wear them when she reads and does her school work and writing! Hopefully she will grow out of it the doc said!!
When I got home I got a call from my mom that my sister is sick and in the hospital gonna have her appendix taken out at 5P! OK that is not cool, I have her kids!! When I last talked to her she was in pain and left work to go to the doctor. Well that means the boys are not leaving at 5:30?!! To make matters worse I have that new litle boy starting tonight, he is gonna be here from 5-10:30 t-th. So that means I would be leaving Brit here with 7 kids,3 of which are from my job!! So I cancelled bowling for this week and that is such a BUMMER! I geuss there is next week, what is mom to do? Hopefull tomorrow will bring a "normal" Thursday!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 3:29 PM 0 comments
Some Janaya Funny's!
Sometimes little kids and the things they say are just the funniest things ever!! The other day once again Janaya got ahold of a marker and wrote lines all over her tummy, I walked in and immediately started lectureing her that we don't write on our face and body with marker's and that she knows that, she said to me"mommy me not marker me face it's me tummy"! At first I started to laugh because she was totally right, it wasn't her face!! What is a mom to do? Then a little while later she was at the table and whining for her snack and I told her to wait her turn, she says"but..but..momma, but momma" now she must hear alot of "but mom" around here or how else would she know that? I laughed again mostly because of the stutter like way she spoke till she got it right! She is funny I tell ya!
I decided not to apply for that job here at the school as I got another babysitting kid, and have a good chance of another in Feb and the mom is pregnant too! So I have decided to keep at it. Also the thought of taking them back to daycare just made me really sad, I absolutely hated the thought of me not being here and doing things the way we are!! Even though I know there are good daycares out there I just love that it's me taking care of my babies all the time!! I think some of you know what I mean!!
Well tonight is bowling so I am looking forward to some time out of the house!
Posted by the boedecker family at 10:07 AM 2 comments
Saturday, January 06, 2007
A fun Sat afternoon!
Janaya loves the movie Charlotte's Web, she has the cartoon version, and has seen the preveiws of the new movie on TV! I have been wanting to take her to see it so I thought a nice mattinee would be fun, and of coarse it was not here anymore. I then got online and found that it's still in Siouxfalls and since we had nothing better to do we drove down and they got to see it. It was really good except it doesn't have the music that hers does, it actually lacked music!! She liked it but needed to go to the bathroom twice. The 2nd time I told her if she would just sit and watch "Wilbur" she would get to go to BK when we were done, that did the trick!! The funny part was as soon as the baby spiders started to fly off she grabbed her coat and said "we go to burger king now mommy" I laughed outloud!! I quickly told her to 'shhh' as I hadn't asked Daddy! But of coarse she asked for me as soon as we got out side and he can't say no to her very often!
When we got home I relaxed for about an hour then headed over for the cleaning job! I cleaned for 3 1/2 hours, all I have to say is it's a good thing i am gonna get paid!!!LOL! I hate cleaning really, so it's weird I would take a job like that! Well the nephew is gone for the night so I better hit the sack....have a ton of laundry to get up and do!
Posted by the boedecker family at 11:00 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 05, 2007
Shopping made easy!
Tonight Brit and I went to Brooking's with another couple and had Applebee's (YUMMY) and then to Wal-mart! My sister kept the kids so this is the 2nd trip in a row we were on our own! I can definatly say we buy much less without them! We were given giftcards to walmart for x-mas totalling $200, so when the total came to $270 and we used them we actually only had to give up $70 this week!! I was so happy. With supper and that 70 we still spent less than we usually do!! Talk about good evening!!!!
We usually do well with sticking to the neccessaties but the kids saw Barnyard last weekend and absolutely loved it so I had to get it. And sure enough when we got home they got jammies on and were in front of the TV before I could even tell them to do it.LOL!
Tomorrow I start my side cleaning job, my dad and Lesli are gonna pay me $50 every2 weeks to come in and clean while they are gone bowling! I can always use that!! Well I best go I am being called to watch the "cow's tip the boy over".
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Oh my what will I do with her?
Tracy I think you have been waiting for some pics of my "little pretty girl"!! The other night we put the kids to bed and all seemed quiet, then about an hour later I hear hysterical laughter from Julia followed by "Naya's out of bed". So I go back there to find her wearing Julia's shirt (as a dress) 1 of Julia's dress shoes and 1 of Jackson's cowboy boots!! She also must have a hidden stash of black PERMANENT markers as she was well decorated with that again!! All I could do was laugh and laugh some more. I then took her by the hand to my room and grabbed the camera, Brit turned and said she is supposed to be in bed and you are taking pictures? It took him a second to notice her attire was not so much what she had on when she went to bed, after I pointed that out he just laughed!! Really what else could we do? The part that is not so funny is that here we are 2 days later and she still has black lines on her legs and feet!!
Not much else going on kids went back to school yesterday and seem just as happy as mom does about it!! I bowl tonight and think I really need some time out I haven't been feeling all to well lately and think most of it is stress and being cooped up in the home too much!! Well here are some pics of the lil dress up one!!
She looks so darn proud of herself!
They both don't show her legs but trust me they are beautiful none the less!!
She looks so innocent sometimes!! She was trying to do her lips!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:24 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
I got a deal!!
Not sure if I mentioned it in my other blogs but we decided that this was the last year for our x-mas tree! It was tipping over bad and falling apart, so when I undecorated I hauled it to the dumpster! I then told Brit that as soon as things start going like 50-75% off I needed to get a new one. He was a bit nervous about this as tree's are not cheap these days! So the other day I went to Pamida and things were 50% off but not the tree's and I didn't really like what they had anyway! I then thought that maybe I made a mistake and should've kept it?! So yesterday a friend of mine wanted to run to Lewis and asked me to come I went and it was a good thing I did. They had ALL of their x-mas stuff 75% off...even the tree's! The tree I got is 7'5" pre-lit and it was originally $150, I got it for a whopping $37.49 is that awesome or what!!! I was so proud of! I also got some garland for it and they had some pretty glass oranments org 19.99 that were now 4.99! All in all I was pretty happy with my shopping experience!! The only prob is I wanted to put it up and now have to wait 11!!!
Not much went on here for the New Year, Jackson and Julia stayed up to watch the ball drop, Julia seemed to like that, but she acted as if she expected more to happen then! They went right to bed and slept in the next am. Things are pretty quiet on the back to school and back to our routine!!
Posted by the boedecker family at 9:34 AM 2 comments
Monday, January 01, 2007
She's so SWEET!
Happy New Year to everyone! It's been a nice weekend so far! Relaxing as compared to christmas!! We struggled all week to find a sitter for our bowling last night and had no luck! So we cancelled our 6pm slot and I had an idea for later????!! We stayed signed up for the 10 p slot though. We put the 3 younger kids down just after 8 pm and when it was time for us to leave at 930 they were sound asleep. So then what did we do?? Julia is 9 1/2 years old and very mature for her age so I thought that if we left her a list of about a million numbers to incase she needed, then they would be fine!! I instructed her not to answer the phone and only to open the door to us it should stay locked! And she followed every instruction to the tee, I even had a secret knock that she remember even though she fell asleep!! She did very well and we were only gone 2 hours. I am so proud of her!! She asked me earlier in the evening if she would get paid like other babysitters do? So I said yes and paid her when I got home!! She then went to bed and all was well, I can't lie though I was scared "shittless" all night long!! Definately not something I can handle doing all that often!!
Today she thought she'd try to get more money by doing laundry. She was so innocent just doing it without saying a word. After about an hour or so I told her to stop that it was my job and she said "oh I am ok I am just bored" I laughed and let her keep going!! She did a total of 3 loads and then I walked up to her and handed her some cash, she said " whats this for?" lol I told her why and she said "thank you" she is so sweet I just love having her!! I am sure I will need to remember this in a few years when she is a teenager but for now she's just the sweetest thing!!
Today was just a LAZY day for us. Tonight Jackson and Julia stayed up to watch the ball fall and countdown the New YEar, they seemed to like it! Julia just had to prove she could stay up!! LOL. So with that I will end....Happy New Year!
Posted by the boedecker family at 12:08 AM 0 comments