Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I didn't hear from the Bus Supervisor right away so I called him, this is horrible I gave him my number mixed up so he got Lewis Drug when he called for me!! Anyway I said my piece he said one of the boys has been written up 2 times already this has only been a month!! The other boy he said he would have the driver talk to and if it happened again to call him back immediately! I think he was truthfully on my side but we'll see if they get ahold of it now!!

We have been looking at a house seriously at 719 NE 3rd st and depending on a few things might make an offer on it! The sellers of the house we have been WAITING for are now saying Feb 1st or later, I am LIVID!! We will also be looking at one at 216 NE 9th St on Friday evening, it is being privately sold so it's not listed and I don't know too much information yet other then 4 bed 3 bath major remodeling done over the last few years! Will post after I see it then!

Happy Wednesday to all of you!


First Time Mommy said...

I'm glad to hear the bus supervisor called you back. I just hope they watch those boys a little more closely to prevent such things from happening again.

I wish you luck in finding a house. Sounds like you have a few options. Sorry to hear about that one you wanted so badly...sounds to me like they have no idea when they will be out of there. Keep us posted :)!

Have a great day Barb!


Jamie said...

I am glad the you were able to talk with the bus driver. I hope things change for your kids. I would stay on top of this and not let it rest if it keeps happening.

Good luck with house looking! I hope you find what you guys like!!

Tracy said...

I am excited for you guys looking at some houses. Hopefully one of them is the PERFECT one!!

I am glad that bus supervisor called you back. I know you will be on top of things and hopefully the kids are treated like they deserve!!!

Kerrie said...

Good job, Barb. Stay on top of it. (with the bus deal)

Tamara B. said...

You are such a good mom. Keep up the fight for your kids. Some body needs to stand up and tell everyone it's not OK to let this continue. Can't wait to hear how this all turns out.