Friday, September 28, 2007

Is The Doctor In?

My favorite day of the week is here and it has not been so good! I have been feeling a cold coming on the last few days but when I got up today I was stuffy, coughing and horse! I hope it passes quickly and that all the stuff I am pumping into me is not a waste!

Today has been rough for Jordon as well. I got a call about 11am that he had fallen from the Monkey bars and was hurt! Of coarse Brit had taken the van to work today so I couldn't go get him and so I called my mom at work and she was able to go to the school. She called and said she was taking him right to the clinic so I had to call and give them permission to treat him. Well after all the x-rays they say its probably just a bruised rib! I was so worried that he had broken something..but he is feeling pretty good right now ! It was so nerve racking not being there with him or knowing what was going on, thank goodness it was my mom there!

This weekend brings the Homecoming Parade which is always fun for the kids! This year Julia will be in it with Gymnastics so that should be cool! Hopefully I can get some pictures of her!
Saturday we will also head to Walmart for all the usual groceries! I sometimes wish I could just call in an order and have them delivered...HA!
Tonight we are looking at another house that I scheduled a few weeks ago so we'll see how it goes! I am thinking that we are still interested in the one on NE 3rd and it will be a tough one to beat!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Tamara B. said...

Thank goodness for your mother and that your little guy is feeling better. I would have been going out of my mind with worry.

How exciting to be in a parade, I bet you all are excited. Don't forget to tell us how it goes. :0)