Monday, September 24, 2007

Another Weekend of Fun!

Once again we have had another great weekend here at the Boedecker's! I love the weekend's mostly because it's great family time!

Saturday started with our normal bowling for the kids, and they are doing great I might add! That evening Jackson had a play date with Dawson and Nathan at McDonalds. They had a BLAST and played really well together! Of coarse they wanted to play "tackle" right away but mom's were on top of it!! The boys brought Jackson some really awesome gifts and again we Thank You for them!!! It was such a good time for them and something I needed as well! Hopefully we can do it again!

Sunday we ventured to Sioux Falls to exchange some pants at JCPenny's! Jackson has not been to the Mall too many times in his life and he said "mom is this the mall, it's so cool" if he only knew! I mean we were only in Penny's, so I am thinking we need to take the kids one day and just go walk through so they can see! I might be glutting for punishment but hey it could be fun!! After that we went to Walmart for a few things and Jackson used some birthday money to buy a Spiderman game for the PS2!
When we got home we headed over to my mom's for a last summer cookout, FUN! I wish it wasn't the end of summer but another summer will be here before we know it!

I did post a slide show of the pictures I took this weekend of Jackson so enjoy! Have a Great Monday!!


Jamie said...

TACKLE FOOTBALL...they are so young! I would be freaked out too!!

Hopefully fall last a LONG time and we don't see much snow this year.

Marissa loves the mall. She likes to go to the play land they have. I think she if figuring out though that she is getting a little big for it and only plays for about 15 minutes. Nice break for her though.

First Time Mommy said...

Sounds like you had a busy but wonderful weekend! It's hard to believe that summer is over but then again I'm so ready for cooler weather!

I hope Jackson had a great birthday! Sounds like McDonald's was a good time. I bet it was nice for the kids and the mom's to get together :)!

Have a great day!


Tracy said...

Tackle football is all BOY. Unfortunately we just try our best at keeping them safe.

Dawson HATES to be in the mall. We don't do the things HE wants to do therefore he would much rather stay home. Which is okay sometimes. :)

Lori said...

Happy Birthday Jackson!

Too cool that Derek him share the same birthday only a year apart.