Monday, September 10, 2007

My Nest is Empty...

Today has been so hard for me! Janaya my BABY started preschool. Now I know she is not off t college but wow time has gone by! It means there is n turning back she is gonna keep getting older and will one day join the rest of the kids in there school journey's! I kept my tears back till she left as she watched me I knew if I cried she would get scared!

She had such a good day and was so excited when she got home!! She gave me the biggest hug and said "see mom I came back" oh thank god!!! She is ready to go back tomorrow...oh what am I gonna do?? I was gonna post a picture of her but thought I would put a slideshow together so I'll get to work on that!!

Happy Birthday to Amanda today also!!


Lori said...

So glad she enjoyed her first day of preschool. Cute slideshow.

Kerrie said...

I had a hard time leaving Nathan his first day of preschool too. Kindergarten was a piece of cake - preschool, not so much.

Tracy said...

I was the other way around (from Kerrie)...I dropped Dawson off at preschool and thought. Oh-that wasn't bad. Kindergarten. UGH. It's ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. And he doesn't have Miss Susan!!! He is actually doing very well though so that is good.

They do have to grow up huh?!?!