Sunday, September 09, 2007


What a busy weekend we have had here this weekend. Saturday was bowling sign up for the kids and Janaya had Sunday school orientation! Sunday was also the 1st day of Sunday school and all the kids are involved for the 1st time!

Saturday Janaya started complaining of pain in her lower back had a low grade temp, by that evening she was layed out on the floor bawling and grunting that it hurt so bad. I had noticed her going to the bathroom frequently and so we went to the ER last night to find out she has a UTI! Now today she is spiking temps into the 103's! Hopefully the antibiotic kicks in shortly. The bad deal is she is supposed to start school tomorrow but that is not happening at this rate!

I also got the Fall/Halloween decor up on Saturday, that is always fun!! Good ole Lenny is back on the fence (scarcrow). Brit got Rosco bathed and brushed up real nice too. He is anothr issue here this last week. We noticed him to be itching, and hair falling out, not eating and he was scratching his skin open. A trip to the vet says its a bacterial skin infection (common in Shar-pei's) and a bunch of meds. We have to be really consistent on his grooming to avoid stuff like this happening alot! He is such a good loving dog I would hate if anything happened to him!

Jordon has a birthday this week, he will be 8 on Sept 11 (Tues). Kari is bringing over a "special" cake and we will celebrate on Tues evening!!

Have a good week!!


Jamie said...

Poor Janaya!! I hope she starts feeling better. :(

We signed Marissa up for bowling too. She is so excited!

Tracy said...

OH MY...I totally forgot about bowling sign up. UGH!

We saw Julia at the football game on Friday night. Kerrie and I loved her Patrick earrings!!

I hope Janaya feels better soon. Those are NO FUN!!!

Kari said...

It was nice talking to you today! I'll see you tomorrow!

Tamara B. said...

Happy bday Jordan.
I hope Janaya feels better soon. UTI's are no laughing matter. They are so painful.

Lori said...

Sorry to hear Janaya is sick. I hope she feels better soon.

I really need to get busy get my fall decor out.