Sunday, September 30, 2007

Family Day!

Saturday was set as a Boedecker Family Day! We started with the Homecoming parade downtown which was lots of fun! The kids love seeing everything and of coarse grabbing as much candy as you can!! Julia did a good job and made it through the long march! I thought all the way down Egan and then back down to the softball diamonds was quite a walk but she said it wasn't too bad!! I got some pictures of the day and they will be in the slide show!

We then went home and painted pumpkin's together which was a great laugh and not to messy! I posted pictures of that on the slide show as well.

In the afternoon we headed to Brooking's for shopping expecting to have a good time. We got to Burger King and as soon as we got in the door Janaya started puking on me and the floor!! UGGH! We got her a pop and the rest of us ate and then got into the car thinking it was gonna be OK, nope as soon as we got to Walmart she started again in the van!! So Julia and I ran into Walmart and basically ran as quick as we could while Brit and the other kids waited in the car! When we got home Janaya seemed fine and kept some soup and 7-up down! She played the rest of the day and then ate supper. After that she puked again and then ran off to play as if nothing happened!? She got up Sunday am and has been fine ever since, I have no idea what was the deal but glad it's over!

I hope everyone had a Great Weekend!!

Check out my Slide Show!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Is The Doctor In?

My favorite day of the week is here and it has not been so good! I have been feeling a cold coming on the last few days but when I got up today I was stuffy, coughing and horse! I hope it passes quickly and that all the stuff I am pumping into me is not a waste!

Today has been rough for Jordon as well. I got a call about 11am that he had fallen from the Monkey bars and was hurt! Of coarse Brit had taken the van to work today so I couldn't go get him and so I called my mom at work and she was able to go to the school. She called and said she was taking him right to the clinic so I had to call and give them permission to treat him. Well after all the x-rays they say its probably just a bruised rib! I was so worried that he had broken something..but he is feeling pretty good right now ! It was so nerve racking not being there with him or knowing what was going on, thank goodness it was my mom there!

This weekend brings the Homecoming Parade which is always fun for the kids! This year Julia will be in it with Gymnastics so that should be cool! Hopefully I can get some pictures of her!
Saturday we will also head to Walmart for all the usual groceries! I sometimes wish I could just call in an order and have them delivered...HA!
Tonight we are looking at another house that I scheduled a few weeks ago so we'll see how it goes! I am thinking that we are still interested in the one on NE 3rd and it will be a tough one to beat!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I didn't hear from the Bus Supervisor right away so I called him, this is horrible I gave him my number mixed up so he got Lewis Drug when he called for me!! Anyway I said my piece he said one of the boys has been written up 2 times already this has only been a month!! The other boy he said he would have the driver talk to and if it happened again to call him back immediately! I think he was truthfully on my side but we'll see if they get ahold of it now!!

We have been looking at a house seriously at 719 NE 3rd st and depending on a few things might make an offer on it! The sellers of the house we have been WAITING for are now saying Feb 1st or later, I am LIVID!! We will also be looking at one at 216 NE 9th St on Friday evening, it is being privately sold so it's not listed and I don't know too much information yet other then 4 bed 3 bath major remodeling done over the last few years! Will post after I see it then!

Happy Wednesday to all of you!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I can't believe I am having to discuss this again and only a few weeks from the last time it happened! "Stuff is gonna hit the fan now"!!!

Today when the kids got off the bus they were furious and all yelling a million words a minute as to what had just happened on the bus! A boy (that I know and do know his dad) had been picking on Jordon calling him fatty, retard, ugly and making "retarded" noises at him all throughout the ride! When Jordon went to fight back the boy PUNCHED him in the nose!! Are you fricking kidding me???!!! My kids yelled to the driver who told the boy to stop or he'd have to get off and walk. The arguing continued and so did the driver with the route as if nothing was going on there!!
Another thing that this kid did was stick his middle finger up and say "I am gonna stick this in your asshole" just like that! OMG can you believe this, I mean this boy is 9 or 10 at most 11! What the heck must Jordon be thinking when this kid is saying this? I am just sick about it! I pray for my kids to not have to keep dealing with this!!

I called the school to ask who I had to talk to about bus complaints she finally said to call the bus supervisor and if that didn't work I would have to work my way up! Again are you fricking kidding me??? Well I tried to call and got a dam answering machine! I left a message but I am pissed, if he doesn't call me back I might be letting some people or Mr. Walsh have it in the am!

Everyday my kids whine and beg that I pick them up so they don't have to ride the bus and that is not right! Somedays it works out and I can go get them but usually I have too many kids and they have t ride it, what the hell am I supposed to do. I shouldn't have to pay for private bus to protect them! I am so dam angry right now I will end this post...Hopefully you all are having a Great Day!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Another Weekend of Fun!

Once again we have had another great weekend here at the Boedecker's! I love the weekend's mostly because it's great family time!

Saturday started with our normal bowling for the kids, and they are doing great I might add! That evening Jackson had a play date with Dawson and Nathan at McDonalds. They had a BLAST and played really well together! Of coarse they wanted to play "tackle" right away but mom's were on top of it!! The boys brought Jackson some really awesome gifts and again we Thank You for them!!! It was such a good time for them and something I needed as well! Hopefully we can do it again!

Sunday we ventured to Sioux Falls to exchange some pants at JCPenny's! Jackson has not been to the Mall too many times in his life and he said "mom is this the mall, it's so cool" if he only knew! I mean we were only in Penny's, so I am thinking we need to take the kids one day and just go walk through so they can see! I might be glutting for punishment but hey it could be fun!! After that we went to Walmart for a few things and Jackson used some birthday money to buy a Spiderman game for the PS2!
When we got home we headed over to my mom's for a last summer cookout, FUN! I wish it wasn't the end of summer but another summer will be here before we know it!

I did post a slide show of the pictures I took this weekend of Jackson so enjoy! Have a Great Monday!!

Check out my Slide Show!

Friday, September 21, 2007

September 21st, 2001

This is the day Jackson Reginald James was born weighing 8# 6 1/2 oz, 20 inches long. He was my 2nd son and 3rd born!

Tonight we celebrated Jackson's b-day with family at our home! We had cake and presents which you will be able to see in the slide show! Jackson got lots of spiderman this year and is so happy! I can't believe he is 6yrs old already, such a big boy! Kari brought over a spiderman cake too and her and Onna got to stay and enjoy it this time...YAY! He had a good night and will hopefully be able to have a birthday play date with Dawson and Nathan this weekend too!! FUN!

We also had a trip to the ER for Julia tonight. She came home early from school because she got something in her eye and it was hurting ! I tried everything to help her and my mom flushed it good and still not better so mom said you better take her in! Thankfully her doctor was on call and already there when we got in so it didn't take long! There are no scratches on the eye that she can see but was able to find the culprit and remove it! Oh my poor Julia she cried and I can't bear that, never have been able to, I teared up holding her hand! They do put some numbing drops in first but those STING and then they make the eye glow for the black light with some yellow drops! It was a neat medical thing to see but oh Julia mommy is glad you are OK now!! She should feel better in the next day or so!

So another busy Friday gone....Have a great weekend!!

Check out my Slide Show!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tackle Football!!

I was hoping my 200th post would be about something happy but Tackle Football is all I have to discuss today! As many of you know this has been an ongoing ordeal for the boys at school! Well now it has claimed the life of Jackson's glasses!! I know it's not gonna cost millions to fix but geez and he's only had them for 3 weeks!!! UGGH!! The other part that makes me angry is he lied initially as to how they got broke so I wouldn't be mad! I don't want him to feel that way either. He said they were playing tag and then later told me it was in fact "tackle"! So now I really don't like the game at all!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Anyone Home??

I was just reading blogs and noticed that I hadn't posted in a week, either nothings going on or we are just boring! I think it's both to be honest! But when I stop to think about nothing going on it's not completely true as there is always something going on just not out of the ordinary!

The kids are adjusting to school an Sunday school just fine! They are all very happy with there teachers and classmates as well. Janaya is loving preschool I love how she looks worried about me when she leaves, she always just watches me as she gets on the bus and gets buckled in with such concern then she blows me a kiss and I walk to the house! She still says when she comes home "see I come back" I just love it she is so darn cute!

Not much going on this week just getting through our bowling days right now! We will have a b-day get together for Jackson on Friday, the big 6 this year!! I need to set up a 2nd look at the house we looked at last week to have the basement better looked at! We are looking at one by the hospital next Friday so we still have options or can wait till January too! Have a good week!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

How is Kindergarten?

Jackson took a minute out of his busy day to tell us a bit about how Kindergarten is going thus far!! He is exspecially excited about a new friend he has....Dawson! His mom should be very proud that she has such a nice boy!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11th, 1999

This is the day my first son was born! Jordon Micheal was born at 2:14Pm and weighed 7# 9 oz he was 20 inches long! Today he is almost as tall as mom and weighs 90pounds!! 8years old and turning into little man right before my eyes. Jordon has struggled and continues to overcome many obstacles which makes him so very special to me!! Tonight we will have a little party with family and I will take some pictures and share them later!!

This day is not shaping up the way I need it to either!! Jackson came home from school yesterday sick and stayed home again today! Janaya I thought was on the mend but today is worse then she was. She is running a temp and vomiting the poor girl, so needless to say she is not at school either. I also have 2 daycare kids home ill with the same stuff!! I am hoping this stuff clears out soon.

I got a call from Jeff the realtor yesterday and they are saying their house will be done around the 1st of January and would like to close on January 15th 2008! Well that is along time away and we are not sure we want to commit to anything that far off and then something else come open and we are stuck!! This is getting ridiculously long and really starting to wear on my patience! So we'll see what comes of it!

I would also like to take a moment to remember the victims and families of all those involved in 9/11! This was a horrible tragedy and will never be forgotten!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

My Nest is Empty...

Today has been so hard for me! Janaya my BABY started preschool. Now I know she is not off t college but wow time has gone by! It means there is n turning back she is gonna keep getting older and will one day join the rest of the kids in there school journey's! I kept my tears back till she left as she watched me I knew if I cried she would get scared!

She had such a good day and was so excited when she got home!! She gave me the biggest hug and said "see mom I came back" oh thank god!!! She is ready to go back tomorrow...oh what am I gonna do?? I was gonna post a picture of her but thought I would put a slideshow together so I'll get to work on that!!

Happy Birthday to Amanda today also!!

Sunday, September 09, 2007


What a busy weekend we have had here this weekend. Saturday was bowling sign up for the kids and Janaya had Sunday school orientation! Sunday was also the 1st day of Sunday school and all the kids are involved for the 1st time!

Saturday Janaya started complaining of pain in her lower back had a low grade temp, by that evening she was layed out on the floor bawling and grunting that it hurt so bad. I had noticed her going to the bathroom frequently and so we went to the ER last night to find out she has a UTI! Now today she is spiking temps into the 103's! Hopefully the antibiotic kicks in shortly. The bad deal is she is supposed to start school tomorrow but that is not happening at this rate!

I also got the Fall/Halloween decor up on Saturday, that is always fun!! Good ole Lenny is back on the fence (scarcrow). Brit got Rosco bathed and brushed up real nice too. He is anothr issue here this last week. We noticed him to be itching, and hair falling out, not eating and he was scratching his skin open. A trip to the vet says its a bacterial skin infection (common in Shar-pei's) and a bunch of meds. We have to be really consistent on his grooming to avoid stuff like this happening alot! He is such a good loving dog I would hate if anything happened to him!

Jordon has a birthday this week, he will be 8 on Sept 11 (Tues). Kari is bringing over a "special" cake and we will celebrate on Tues evening!!

Have a good week!!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Let The Activities Begin..

As Fall approaches the activities of another season begin! This week has been that way for the Boedecker's . Britton started his bowling season Tuesday evening, he will be bowling on Tuesday and Thursday for about 6 weeks then just Thursday's. I started my bowling season last night and am glad to be back or just glad to have my night with the girls and a break! I did pretty well considering I haven't touched my ball since April!! I hope to bring my average up this year so let's hope that goes well! Julia started her Fall gymnastics session last night as well, I believe that will go into December! She was really glad to be in the class again and said there are lots more this time and even a few boys so that is neat!! During the summer session there were only like 5 girls and 1 teacher now they need 5 teachers so the class must be much bigger!!

Bowling sign up for the kids is Saturday and all 3 of the big kids are wanting to bowl so I am guessing it's gonna be a busy season again!! It's good for them to be involved with things and they can win scholarship money so I am all for that! Julia actually has an account with them already that has money in it and they hold it till like 2021 so it should be there when she needs it and hopefully she can continue to add to it!!

The kids are liking school and getting the routine down. Jackson is adjusting just fine and likes his teacher so that is good! Janaya starts preschool on Monday the 10 th and I am not ready for this!! She is excited and ready to go, it's my baby and as the day gets closer I am feeling the emotional break down ready to hit!! I know she isn't leaving for college or anything but wow, she will be gone M-Th from about 12p-4p: Lord Please be with us both!!!

I hope everyone is having a good week!!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Long Weekend or Extra Work...

I love long weekends they are usually fun and we get to spend lots of time with Brit and do family things! For some reason this week I have been in a cleaning mode and I am actually getting's good to have a clean home but I need to stop...that just sounds funny but true!

Last week Thursday I started just wiping things down and enjoying those Clorox Cleaning Wipes, I had never tried them before and tried them! I did lots of laundry and the house looked good!! On Friday I went to Brookings Walmart and got groceries and etc! Oh and before I forget I stopped at Payless to get some shoes for Naya and they have that BOGO right now so I got 2 cute pairs for $24...good deal for me!!

Saturday we relaxed and grilled and that night took the kids to the races! They had a good time but it was getting late so we cut out a bit early! It was a good time for all of us, we were with Jill and Andy and Lydia so the kids were extatic.

Sunday has been busy again, I decided I HAD to switch the kids clothes out for the season and that takes hours! I leave them out a few summer outfits as there are still gonna be those days and got rid of lots of it too! I then made sure all the winter clothing is in and everyone has what they need! Brit helped me and it still took us 3 hours...but now its done!! Brit also got the lawn mowed too!

I think tomorrow we will be taking the kids fishing! The boys have been asking since Thursday evening! I hope everyone else is having a good weekend!