Wednesday, June 13, 2007

This and That!!

It's hump day and I don't know if it's just me but this week just seems to be taking forever to end! I have been trying to keep busy buy just keep finding myself to be bored which can get me into trouble as my mind and idea's tend to run! Julia starts gymnastics tomorrow evening and I just realized today that she is supposed to have a leotard and I hadn't gotten one yet! Well I have never seen them here so my mom offered to keep half the kid's here and Julia, Janaya, Cooper and I headed to Brooking's where you can always count on Walmart having what you need! It was a quick trip but I found a cute one with some pants too! She also only has 2 pairs of shorts so I picked up a couple pairs of those too. Her b-day is quickly approaching but I didn't think she should have to wait till then and was planning on something else as her gift so she got shorts now! After grabbing my favorite BK chicken sandwich I headed home!

I also talked with Jeff this am about how the house deal was coming along and he said they like the acreage they looked at and it is up for auction in 2weeks so they are planning to do their best to get it! I guess there is another one they might look at as well so as soon as they find one or hopefully get the one they are trying for it will be a done deal!! I am getting so excited, it is such a nice home for us and has great potential as well. When it happens you can bet there will be picture's taken and posted for you all too see. I am hoping to have some kind of housewarming or BBQ type deal too so everyone I want to personally see it can!! Well time to keep moving with supper...Happy Wednesday to all!!


Jamie said...

Gymnastics is so much fun to watch. I bet you guys have a great time!

Keep us posted on the house!! I hope everything works out for you guys.

First Time Mommy said...

Good luck with the house!! I really hope it all falls into place for you guys :)!!

Tracy said...

I saw the's cute. I hope it works out for you!

I LOVE gymnastics! I hope Julia has a great time!!!