Friday, February 02, 2007

I can't believe what I heard?!

I was never really popular when I was younger in school and it always bothered me. I was not thin and pretty like the other girls and didn't have the name brand clothes they all did either. I have always tried to give my kids what I didn't have and have tried to teach them to be nice and except everyone no matter what they look like or what they wear because it probably isn't their fault and everyone deserves a chance!! It helps to know that Julia is pretty and will never have to worry about weight and she has plenty of friends as well. Normally she is very nice for instance last week in gym class the kids were sitting in circle and nobody would sit by this "big" boy Nick so Julia stood up and said she was gonna go sit by him because noone should have to sit alone and then the class formed a complete circle and included him. I was so proud and the teacher thanked her as well. Well yesterday she was on the phone with one of her friends who is like the girls who were mean to me...has money and all the right clothes and just thinks she is better than everyone else...and they were both looking at their class pictures discussing pictures and who they like. Then I heard Julia say now let's name the people we "hate" and started naming off kid's names, all the one's she named were the not so pretty or cute one's and the one's that dress different or are let's just say nerdy!! She laughed at what her friend said in response and thought nothing of it. I couldn't believe that she was being so mean, and I know the kids didn't hear it but just the thought of it was not nice. When she was off the phone I asked her why she would do that and she thought about it and did feel bad that she had done it, but she also said but they didn't hear it mom!! I again tried to teach her that even though they don't hear you it's not nice and explained how God would feel about hearing her say that about his people...she really thought about it and said I was right. I am afraid that she will be a follower because she knows what is right she just follows what her friend tells her to do. I do however know that she can do the right thing if she stay's strong!
I know we can't prepare them for everything and they have to learn somethings on their own as well I just wish we could make sure they would be on the right path all the time...


Tracy said...

What a great post Barb! We can only wish the best for our children and hope they are nice, intellegent little people. You are doing a great job as a mother...don't ever forget that! :)

the boedecker family said...

Thank you!! It's hard to do the best I can with 4 but I sure try!!