Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Every Two Years.....

Today was my appointment with Dr. Sumerer about that cyst under my arm. OK first of all I KNOW I should have gone in about 6 months ago but I have such a time dealing with myself when I have too many other people to be taking care of! Well the outcome is it is not a quick office fix and I will again be going under the knife! UGH! The area is going to be too large for a local or for me to be about scary!! So on Dec 11 I will be getting it done!
Now the title of this post, I will give you a quick history: in 1997 I had my gall bladder removed: in 2001 I had a c-section: 2003 I had a blockage removed from my sinus: in 2004 I had another c-section and in 2006 I had a hysterectomy! It's like every two years I have to have surgery, how do I break this chain of unfortunate events?! I know I need to take better care of me but this is just not right! On the other hand the surgeon knows me well enough and I trust him so that takes alot of worry out of the process!

Enough about that, this weekend we got the bathroom done!! Julia's room needs just a few area's touched up and it will be done too...YAY! I plan to get started on the hallway and the boys room this week!! The boys room is the worst so maybe that first then I can list the place for sale because it would be presentable then!! Guess I should get busy then.....

Before I go a quick Janaya funny or two: Naya had just woke up from a nap!

Jordon: Janaya today we...

Janaya: I don't care...

Jordon: Just listen at...

Janaya: I don't care...


Janaya: I said I DON'T CARE....

Jordon gives up and says "geez you are so rude"

Lesson learned, don't talk to her when she awakenins as she don't care!!

Later on when Brit and I were discussin painting "Julia's" room she stood here listening and looking rather puzzled. Finally after a few minute she said "mommy I know thats my room too" Oh goodness I didn't mean it to sound like she didn't have a room, YIKES! At least she knows! Have a good week!


Jamie said...

Little ears are always listening!

Good luck with your surgery!! I hope you have a good recovery!! Hopefully your luck will change now and you are done with them. :)

Tracy said...

OH.MY. Sounds like you've had quite the events happening. Good luck with surgery. Keep us all posted!!!

Lori said...

Wow! Sounds like you have had lots of surgeries. Good luck with this next one.