Monday, October 08, 2007

Dr.Blake Visit

Today Jordon had a visit with Dr. Blake his Developmental Pediatrican in Sioux Falls! We haven't seen him in months so this was a good and much needed visit! Jordon has grown from 49 inches tall to 51 inches and 91 pounds to 108 pounds since then! He is still doing well academically and continues to progress at this time! He is socially lacking and not showing much sign of improvement in making friends or even wanting to make friends the way most children do. He talks about a few girls from his class which is odd for a by his age but even they are not "true" friends!

Jordon has been displaying some other behaviors or obessesing about somethings that are not good! I won't go into much detail about what but he is just heading for trouble if they continue! So in order to figure out all the details he is going to be evaluated by Child's Voice next Monday by a team of specialists to determine the root of the issue and or if it's just part of his OCD! Either way we need to find some answers. After that and the teachers and I fill out a extensive questionere he plans on adjusting the Concerta dosage a bit higher and starting him on a SSRI to help with his anxiety and being "obcessed" with different things! So there is work to do but I think good things will come and help bring Jordon closer to living more easy or comfortable.

The weekend was good we spent lots of time cleaning out closets and other "junk" ! We talked to the owners of our home and were making sure we could get out of our contract only to find out that we need to stay here till it gets sold! OMG are you kidding me!! Ok so now we need to do some repairs and updates to this place and place it for sale! The price they are asking is ridiculous and to high but it's there choice. The problem is until someone buys it we are stuck or will be paying 2 house payments. I am so mad that I didn't check on this months ago but I am gonna do my best! I got a game plan of what we need to do and the painting and updates I need to do now it's just getting the time and fitting it into the budget plan!! I keep praying that this just falls into place soon!

I hope everyone has a great Monday!!


Kari said...

It sounds like Jordon's appointment went well. I'm glad you are following up on the other issues. You've always been great at knowing when Jordon needs extra help, and I think this is one area that is always going to need special attention!

Tracy said...

Good luck with all the appointments and follow ups with Jordon.

I like your template but it's hard to read the words on your post. :(

Jamie said...

Good luck with your dr visits for Jordon..I hope you get some answers.

Your new blog is very cute! The only tough thing is like what Tracy said. I had one that you could see thru and just ended up changing it.

Lori said...

Good luck with all of Jordans appointments. I hope everything goes well.

I like your new blog template.
The same thing happened to me when I changed backgrounds...I lost lots of things and it did take a long time to get it all back.