Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Another Year of........

Now how many times do you suppose Janaya has had us watch this?? Happy Halloween!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

This and That

We had a wonderful weekend here at the Boedecker's! Friday we went on our bi-weekly grocery trip to Walmart and got costumes for Halloween also! This year Julia will be Cleopatra...Jordon a ghost..Jackson black spider man and Janaya is going to be Ariel the Little Mermaid!
That is so funny because she had been telling me all week she was gonna be Tinkerbelle and I was so praying that they would have one left or we were gonna be in trouble. Well when we were looking we found it right away and she was so happy, then Julia showed her the Mermaid and she forgot about Tinkerbelle like that!!! do they do that??!! Anyway it is gonna be totally cute so look for pics probably Thursday!!!

Saturday Jackson and Julia went to a Halloween party given by some friends and had a great time! They had a haunted house in their basement and when we picked up our kids we got to go through it, talk about cool! I actually got scared twice!! I have to give them 2 thumbs up for the effort and creativity they put into it!
When they got done with that we carved our pumpkins with the kids! I will have to make a slide show of the pics I took it was great fun! Jordon was not impressed with "diggin" out his pumpkin and I ended up doing it, he was NOT putting his hand in there!!! He has always kind of be a tactile defensive guy when it comes to some stuff, he had a great time though!

Sunday while the kids were in Sunday school Britt and I went to the hardware store and he got the rest of his materials for under the house work and I got some "hole" filler and finally Primer so I can get started with my part of the work!

Ok on to busy I am beat and the week just started. First of all I'll start with myself. I have had this cyst under my arm for awhile and have let it go mostly because Iam too busy with everyone else to worry about me until it really hurts! HA! Well today I went to the doctor and got it "opened" only to be told I need to go see the surgeon because it's too much for a regular office visit! I'm sure you didn't want to hear that but hey it's going on in my life! So I see Dr. Summerer here in town on Nov. 13th.
We were told about this place that buys mobile homes and called the place today. We are waiting to hear back but hoping this might be able to help us get out of this place quicker then it looks now! I talked to Jeff this morning and the plan is now to wait 2 weeks before we sign or let it go! PRAY for something good to happen in these next few weeks!!

Well I think that is it up till now, I made my appointment today to finally get my hair done again! November 9th come soon please! I am planning on cutting it again and coloring with highlights, the change is gonna be drastic but welcomed. I can't help but think that if I felt better about what I looked like I might feel better all around too! Will post after Halloween...everyone have a great time Wednesday!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I got a call from Jeff today and the sellers of the house we have been waiting for since June want to know if we are ready to get stuff going and signed to close January 2nd 2008! Oh BOY comes in now!! We are not ready to list our home and can't sign saying yes unless we are prepared to make 2 house payments until this is sold!!??? I am kicking my arse right now for skipping such a major part although I didn't expect this to happen either! So now we need to make some serious decisions and get our arses in gear, probably OVERDRIVE!!

On another note Jackson got into a fight in front of the school yesterday! A friend of his was telling him he is not invited to a Halloween party and he was arguing that he was, next thing you know both boys were rolling on the ground and yelling profanities to each other!! Can you believe this, and there were no teachers or anyone around to stop it! I spoke with Jackson about his "competitive" attitude and fighting is not an option no matter what! He was made to apologize even though "I didn't start it" ! Now the profanity part I will not stand for, not here or at school so I went with what my mom used when we were young...Hot Sauce! OMG it killed me and I hated it but I am hoping he will not choose to say naughty words again no matter what!! It is so hard for him because he sees Jordon act this way and say words that are not good so he thinks he can!
Julia is different behavior wise then Jackson and Janaya, I often wonder if it's because they are younger and have grown up seeing Jordon's "behaviors' at a critical age! I just don't know how to break the cycle, Jordon is going to continue to do some of the things he does and I know that but to keep the younger kids from doing what big brother does is another story!

Well I am going to go ponder on my thoughts now, have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tiny Talk Tuesday

I will start with a few cute things the kids have said lately!

Jackson came home the other day telling me that he has been learning big words at his school and that he learned how to say "hospital" which he says " hostable" so cute! He is a very good clear talker but this word gets him every time!

Janaya was able to pick a prize out of the treasure box on Monday and she picked a headband! When she got home she was so excited to show me her "hairstlye"! Today she wanted to wear her hairstyle to school! She absolutely says it is not a headband but a!

Julia was telling me about a boy in her class that is so nice and talks to everyone but is a bit too quiet!! After the story she said "I don't know but I think he is too sensitive for me"! Umm OK! HA!

On to other news...we got a new water heater put in on Sunday night and it is such a relief! I couldn't believe the difference and I think our old one has been going bad for awhile! Oh well it's over and time to move on! I am not gonna let these obstacles get me down and will keep trucking at it!
I got a call from Jordon's doctor today they are gonna leave the Concerta dosage at the current level and start him on Prozac as well for the OCD symptoms! So it should be interesting to see what changes occur! Not much else to report right now, have a good week!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Water Heater...Who needs those...

And the answer is US!! I keep thinking positively that things are going to work out an we will get this place fixed up and sold so that we can run and never look back! HA! Well now it's the water heater, which is in our closet, and its shot! The big problem is there is water everywhere but where it should be!! Alot of stuff in our closet got wet and ruined and the walls are soaked and the carpet in the closet and around it outside as well. The panel that hid the water heater is totally ruined and there is sitting water under the heater! I sucked water up last night and have been running a dehumidifier nonstop, still not dry!! Who knows how long it's been leaking either. I noticed about a week ago that the carpet in front of the closet was damp but couldn't tell why so I just brushed it off and didn't tell Brit till later. Well last night we noticed that is was quite wet and started digging to find the mess. Now I am beside myself and not sure what else could go wrong...oh boy...KNOCK ON WOOD!!!

The thing I am most upset about getting wet is the little bit of wedding material I had! I had a big envelope with our cards and marriage certificates in it. Somehow it was out of the tote and got wet! I got it dried out but you know how stuff looks like after it's been dried! I didn't have a big or smooth wedding so this little bit of memorabilia was VERY important to me! Well I will keep my chin up and hope something goes our way soon!! Have a Great weekend!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

It's a Bad Day to be a....

Deadbeat Dad around me! This post maybe a bit personal to share but my blogging "buddies" seem to be a good relief to me so here goes! I am mad as a hornet today after my child support hearing this am with Micheal Jordon's father. He requested a modification to get it lowered once again. Well this time he got his wish.ERRRRR! He makes very little and has 2 other children he has to pay support on and now I am the one getting the least??!! He pays $431/month on a girl in Utah so you'd think that would be the one to lower, but I am not a genius so I could be wrong!! Needless to say my child support from him just dropped by $189/month! They only take an extra $25/month for the arrears owed which are over 12K now, yes that's right! What a joke the state is with child support sometimes!

I am on the war path now and going to look into modifying my other case on Julia. He has only had to pay $80/month her whole life and it's time to see if maybe that can't be changed. It's not my fault that these men have other children to pay on and that they can't seem to find any better job! It is my problem that I was with them at all but at least I take care of my children and don't try to get out of it. They are beautiful amazing children and I have never understood why someone wouldn't want to be a part of their lives!

Well enough about that it just makes me angry. It's been a good but busy week. Monday was my mom's b-day, Happy B-day mom!! We went over for cake and pizza Monday night! We are getting tired of the rain and being wet and cooped up but looking forward to a dry weekend. Have a great Thursday!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Where am I ?

I am finally finding some time to return to blog land! I can't believe it's been a week since I have posted. Not sure where to start...I guess with myself is good! I had a really low week last week and am finally starting to feel like "me" again! On Thursday I quit smoking, or at least started too! I have been having 2 a day since then. I am all out of them now and hopefully I make it! I have been saying for along time Iam gonna quit not just for me but my kids for sure! I am giving it all I have and just hope it gets easier soon!

Jordon had another appointment in Sioux Falls on Monday which went well but got a recommendation I don't really care for. They want Jordon to see some special counselor in Sioux Falls, that would mean frequent trips there and when am I gonna fit that into our lives. I bend over backwards to do what I need to do for him but this one seems a bit much! I am waiting to hear from Dr. Blake on a few other things that have been done as to adjust his meds.
The other kids are doing well. Jackson is loving school and especially his "group" of friends!! Julia earned a "trip to the barn" last week from her teacher and her and a few other kids from the class got to go to her farm and ride her horses! In order to earn this you have to have 2 or less tally marks on the chart AND good grades! She was so excited for that and had a great time! Janaya is busy as ever and adjusting well to school, it has brought some changes at home with her behavior but nothing major!

Another "big deal" in our household this week is Whiskars...

I am sure these will be hard to see with the background but I am just not ready to change it or just haven't found one I like enough to...HA!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

TIny Talk Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday to everyone, I will start this post wit a conversation between Janaya and I this morning while I was getting her ready for school!

(the set up: we were sitting on the floor putting ponies in her hair)

Me: Oh baby you are so pretty!

Janaya: Yep better then you mom, right?!

Me: (choking) Umm..yes...but you don't have to rub it in!

Janaya Oh, OK thanks!

Oh she is so darn cute sometimes. I know she is prettier then me but it's hard to hear from someone so innocent that I have lost it!! HA!

As you may have noticed I changed my template! I like it but when I changed it I forgot to save all the "extras" I had on it! So I have spent hours trying to put everything back on it. I am still missing a few blog addresses I had. I also had taken all my pictures off my computer and put them on disc's so I need to either pull those up or just take some good one's and use them, I think I will do that so they are updated pictures, might as well freshen everything at one time right!! So it's work in progress and look forward to more changes! Oh and have a Great Day!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Dr.Blake Visit

Today Jordon had a visit with Dr. Blake his Developmental Pediatrican in Sioux Falls! We haven't seen him in months so this was a good and much needed visit! Jordon has grown from 49 inches tall to 51 inches and 91 pounds to 108 pounds since then! He is still doing well academically and continues to progress at this time! He is socially lacking and not showing much sign of improvement in making friends or even wanting to make friends the way most children do. He talks about a few girls from his class which is odd for a by his age but even they are not "true" friends!

Jordon has been displaying some other behaviors or obessesing about somethings that are not good! I won't go into much detail about what but he is just heading for trouble if they continue! So in order to figure out all the details he is going to be evaluated by Child's Voice next Monday by a team of specialists to determine the root of the issue and or if it's just part of his OCD! Either way we need to find some answers. After that and the teachers and I fill out a extensive questionere he plans on adjusting the Concerta dosage a bit higher and starting him on a SSRI to help with his anxiety and being "obcessed" with different things! So there is work to do but I think good things will come and help bring Jordon closer to living more easy or comfortable.

The weekend was good we spent lots of time cleaning out closets and other "junk" ! We talked to the owners of our home and were making sure we could get out of our contract only to find out that we need to stay here till it gets sold! OMG are you kidding me!! Ok so now we need to do some repairs and updates to this place and place it for sale! The price they are asking is ridiculous and to high but it's there choice. The problem is until someone buys it we are stuck or will be paying 2 house payments. I am so mad that I didn't check on this months ago but I am gonna do my best! I got a game plan of what we need to do and the painting and updates I need to do now it's just getting the time and fitting it into the budget plan!! I keep praying that this just falls into place soon!

I hope everyone has a great Monday!!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

When Tackle Fails...Try Wrestleing...

As most of you know Tackle has been a big issue for the kids and boys at school and home as well! Jackson has found that wrestleing is a good substitute for this and today quickly realized IT"S NOT!! He and Janaya were wrestleing and she jumped on him and he threw her back and she hit her nose on the bar of the bunk bed!!!

It appears to be broken but they won't do anything for it so we are just watching it at home! It looks so much worse in person but I did take some doesn't seem to slow her down or break her spirit!! UGGH... kids!!

Janaya's nose video