Friday, September 05, 2008

Here's a little story... while we were out at some friends house for supper the kids ventured outside to play and being it in the country and lots of corn fields they "hike" around alot. Janaya came running in the house....
Janaya: Mom theres something moving in the bushes...its really moving...come see
Me: There is? What is it?
Janaya: Its something..come see...well.. it might be a fox or a snake!
Me: What..Oh my gosh...does it have legs??
Janaya: YES!!
Me: Ok then it cant be a snake...they don't have legs
Janaya: Ya well its a BIG RAT!!
Me (laughing) well Im not going out there then...
Janaya: I saw them its a rat and fox laying down...
Me: LAUGHING some more... ok well go play on the other side then....
There she goes running off to play again...

Lately Janaya has been so funny, I think this last week she has had me cracking up!!

So we have a big weekend planned. Tonight was supper at friends!! Tomorrow is sign up for bowling for the kids! They are so excited and anxious to get started again! Sunday is Rally Sunday at our church and the kids will start Sunday school for the year! Depending on weather we'd like to try to get in some fishing again before its too cold! Have a good weekend!!