Thursday, September 04, 2008

Bowling Season

I can't believe how incredibly fast this Summer went. It was too short and i need more time..HA! So our bowling season started last night and was a good and not so good night! This was my first time bowling since last December coming off a broken wrist and did quite well for me! I started with a 150 then 123 & 124 averaging 130 for the night!! My average for the first half of last year was 124 so I was feeling good about that.

So then it was time to visit with the girls again I so missed that in my "adult" conversation lacking world and it came out that I made up with a certain "best" friend! Needless to say my step mom didn't like this and called me a horrible horrible name, I about cried and was ready to leave and never return...HURT FEEL BADS!! I was shocked and ANGRY, I think I still am, this is one of my issues, the "grudge holding" person I am has a week to get over this or its gonna be a long year! How do you forgive someone for something that is so degrading??


Kari said...

You did what you had to do... the right followed your heart! If people can't understand that then it's their problem. It's really none of their business anyway!

It's too bad that she said those mean things to you, but you know how she is. As hard as it is, try to shake it off and have a fun year.