Friday, February 08, 2008

Weekly Recap..

Another week gone by which hopefully will make the 6 more we have to wait for Spring go by quickly...HA! This has been a tough week for me. Monday morning started normal but I felt a bit nautious and dizzy, by afternoon I knew I was heading for a Migraine so I took some medicine that would keep me "functionable" and by night was laid out completely! I took some stronger medicine before going to bed thinking it would all be ok the next day! Tuesday I woke feeling "hung over" like I usually do after a headache but thought ok on we go. Jordon was scheduled to see Dr. Blake in Sioux Falls that afternoon . By noon I was feeling it and had to call Britton home from work to drive us there because it was not an option for me.
We had our appointment with the doctor which was frustrating this time, they are not putting enough emphasis on problem areas or should I say not doing anything at all! I didn't get answers that I needed so I will just have to figure some plans out on my own, I think I will do some research on the problem behaviors and see if I can't come up with a behavior plan of my own!
Ok Tuesday evening when we got home I hit the couch ordered the lights be out and closed my eyes. When I woke up the kids were ready for bed so I tucked them in and took the rest of the medicine I had here and called to close my daycare for Wednesday, I have never done that so it was hard but I knew I was unable to give care for the children. Wednesday I woke up sick to my stomach, headache, dizzy you name it. I called the clinic and got an appointment for my self and Janaya (ear infection). While there she gave me a pill and a shot of Tordol, called in some more medicine and home I went. We slept till it was time to get the kids and I seemed to feel better. By 6p I was sick again and in bed. I took a pill then and then called the ER to see what else I could do, they said at 8:30p I could take another. So I took the strongest one I had here and off to bed I was at 9pm. Thursday Brit stayed home because I hadn't closed daycare as I thought I was gonna be better and needed his tender loving care!! By now it had settled in my neck and back but by late afternoon I was feeling like it was going to be ok! Friday is a new day, I feel some side affects but more my old self I did daycare and haven't had to take any medicine all day! I just think about how much "crap" I took all week and pray for my liver!!
It has been along time since I have had a Migraine like this, I actually think not since I was pregnant with Janaya!! It has been months since I have had one I think at all. My Doctor thinks it was probably brought on by the Stomach Flu as I seemed to have had symptoms of that. Gotta love the Winter Bugs! I'm praying for a new healthy week and looking up!

Next week brings Parent Teacher Conferences which I am looking forward to. The kids seem to be doing well in school and all like it! Hope everyone has a blessed weekend!!


Kari said...

I didn't know you'd had an appointment with Dr. Blake. I guess we must have missed that in the "fog" of our headaches!

Kari said...
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Kerrie said...

Well for cryin' out loud! That really stinks. I'm glad you're feeling human again. I also had tordal when I was having such bad headaches. When they give it to me in an IV, I can taste metal. Does that happen to you too??

Glad to hear you're on the up and up.

Tracy said...

Yikes. That doesn't sound like you had a fun week at all! Bummer.

I hope you are feeling better now and you can start this week off on a good foot.

Hang in there!!