Sunday, July 06, 2008

Change of Plans...

Many times in life plans change and sometimes in a hurry! Thursday evening we had to make some big changes in our weekend!! It came to my attention during Julia's party that my step brother Jason was coming for the 4th and we don't see him much ! And then I found out that my sister was going to be having her baby that night!! WOW!! So we had to weigh some things out and decided to not go to Rapid. We instead went to Wild Water West Friday and then shopping in Sioux Falls during the day and then watched fireworks here in Madison with family!

The big news is Rowdy James Meyer was born Thursday July3rd, 2008 weighing 10 POUNDS even and 20 inches long, a very BIG BOY!! He and mom are doing well after a c-section as baby was breech. They released them on Saturday so they came directly to Madison from Yankton and everyone is enjoying the new baby!! I posted 3 slide shows from the last couple days! It was a totally great weekend and everyone had a great time!!


First Time Mommy said...

I'm glad you guys had a wonderful 4th of July weekend. I am sure the change of plans was well worth it :)!!

Tracy said...

I am sure it was worth the change of plans!! What a sweet baby!!