Saturday, January 19, 2008

The "New Kerrie"

Janaya got her hair cut for the first time in a Salon on Friday afternoon by "new Kerrie"! She is called that because Janaya is under the impression that there is only "one" person with a name, for instance there are no other "barbs" or "jills" etc... so when she met Kerrie it was confusing because she already knows a Kari thus giving us "new Kerrie" HA! HA! She loves her new hair and "new Kerrie" too, did you know she has toys in the back, well she does and Janaya will never forget her trip to the Salon. I believe we'll be going before we know it! I was running late so I forgot to take the camera with me but got a shot of the after, if you want to see a before the pic on the blog of her is a good one!

Mommy also got her hair cut and loves it! I think next time I will do some more coloring hopefully before I go to Detroit for bowling in May. We don't have many plans this weekend due to the cold weather! Have a good weekend...stay warm!


Kari said...

From what I can see, it looks cute. I'll have to see her in person (you too)! I'm glad you had fun.

Tracy said...

Looks good!!!