Monday, March 16, 2009


Oh what a beautiful weekend!! So the title of the post ...ya I'm describing the Weather...AWESOME!! The kids enjoyed so much time outside this weekend. All their friends were out and it was fun! Today was debate able...snow pants or not?? Well there is mud...but you'll be too warm...what do ya do??

Update on Brit: There is NO fracture...YAY! He has a sever lower back Sprain/Strain and will be on "light" duty until further notice. It also has helped the doc diagnose an issue with how his lower vertebrae are lining up. He is not doing ANY lifting yet and is doing "paper work" for his boss and the Safety Director. He has an appointment Tuesday at Brookings Pain Management for some injections to help obviously with "pain"!

There is not much new with me. I think starting tomorrow or Wednesday I'm going to start watching Corbin so Jill can go back to work. I think I can handle just one cute little guy and since my schooling will be online I can still handle that. It will only be till she is ready to take him to daycare...or is able to find one...HA! It will be good for both of us!

Not much else going on...Happy Monday!


Lori said...

The weather has been beautiful.

Have a great weekend!